Author Topic: Who is the best?  (Read 4595 times)

danteko is at a place higher than the scoreboards i presume
there are many people i didnt list, DanteKO is one of them


how have you been playing for 5 years and not have kojolika, policeman, and haplo at the top. your list is more like people who have played in the last 3 months
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 01:37:04 PM by Akio- »


Ok, many people dislike grapple knife because nothing is new and noone creates anything fun and exiting, there is ramp, and classic knife which is different concept of grapple knife. Many people still play because of good memories and the community, i still play because its fun af.

Ive grapple knifed for a total of 5 years, all of the people i have come in contact with, is listed in my opinion the best.

1. snowplower (Puffin), Blockhead31735, Light, Chopenguin, Poofin, Kingston, Dr.Diep, Myself aka ur boy baccarat

2. Rexx, Sanctus Rem, FireDemon, WALDO, DragonoidSlayer, Dragonoid-X, H.M. Murdock, Anthonyrules144, Kyle!, ThatBlueCreeper, Pizza Man, Mikey_POP

3. lilscot, Count, Hater, Trance, Cat123, Fortify, Deokotaru, xWither, Haloz, General R

4. AustinBot, FireFly, ProTear, JesusFreak, MasterOfGames24, SQUAR3D, OutPact, Alive

5. A-Spec, KyleM, Dave Strider, Drydess


not me cause im not a fan of  the grapple knifing

not me cause im not a fan of  the grapple knifing
if you aren't a fan of the grapple knifing you are, by default, better than the average human being

if you aren't a fan of the grapple knifing you are, by default, better than the average human being

Don't sign your posts.
I'm not your bitch, unless u pay me.

Idk why I'm contributing to this thread, but Numbers was pretty good iirc

I suck at grapple knifing or just knifing in general but I would have to say Dino or 2C


how have you been playing for 5 years and not have kojolika, policeman, and haplo at the top. your list is more like people who have played in the last 3 months
Policeman was great, dont get me wrong, but he was also an ass. He never talked to me, so i dont like him, maybe i was autistic at the time. I barely know Kojo, so I dont know his skills. Dont even know Haplo

number, crazy 8, d trix, unknown lolzar, policeman, iBlok, kojolika, Kingston, AerCloud

there's a lot more i played with but it's been years and my memory is foggy
« Last Edit: October 27, 2016, 02:09:24 PM by SBG »