Author Topic: Jiggee ddoser.  (Read 9320 times)

yeah, because im not a moron, like you, and have good judgement of character.yes he is. he offered to sell somebody a tablet, but then after they were gonna quit, he threatened to DOX him and release personal info if he didn't buy the tablet + steam games. what a great guy.

hes not a regular ass normal guy. he's an adult who begged people on blockland to do his homework for him, he VAPES, he's online dating a girl who's 5 years younger than him, and he has a huge issue with power over other people which is why he constantly threatens to dox and ddos other people.

he is a lowlife loser online and in real life, your judgement of character is just awful which is probably why you dont have many real friends being friends doesn't mean you condone his behavior, it means you are AN ENABLER for his behavior since you turn a blind eye to it and gave him a key. you defending him makes you an ENABLER.

you are being demonized because you have terrible judgement and have made another one of your countless handicapped 'mistakes'.


Only recently have I actually heard stuff about him posting research and trying to DOX people. I didn't really keep up with him as much in the past, I kinda saw him around recently and he begged me for an account. If I had known that he did these things, I wouldn't have given it to him in the first place.

Every time i've spoken to Jiggy he's been really nice to me, so I didn't get a chance to catch any major 'red flags' or even know that he was a problem user in the first place. Now that I see what you're talking about, I was able to decide to remove him from my account.

Every time i've spoken to Jiggy he's been really nice to me, so I didn't get a chance to catch any major 'red flags' or even know that he was a problem user in the first place. Now that I see what you're talking about, I was able to decide to remove him from my account.

once again another group of people who just want to see someone banned, it's pretty funny actually.

i highly doubt sharing your steam account with the person can be considered "key-sharing" because of the simple fact with a regular key, you can't lock the person out, it's a steam key, which cannot just be handed over to someone, unlike a retail blockland key.

and yes i do understand that the account was shared to play blockland, but still, he doesn't actually have the authentication key, so there would be no need to revoke it.

It's not up to debate; we can't influence whether or not badspot decides to ban him because "muh technicalities"

Honestly it's pretty dumb to share your account to a known stuff stain and I'm surprised he didn't get path's account VAC banned.

in a discord that was made by meatsale, jiggy was threatening to dox and ddos people because they made fun of tills

he attempted to dox chakada too but he got little info lol


Giving someone a key = Key sharing

Are you this dense or legitimately this loving stupid

What the forget do you not get.


Giving someone a key = Key sharing

Are you this dense or legitimately this loving stupid

What the forget do you not get.
I actually understand where he's coming from (I think).
I assume he's saying that since Jiggy never actually / saw got a key (since Steam blockland doesn't have a key), it's not key sharing. I also assume that he thinks it's no longer a threat since he changed the Steam account's password.
Still a scummy thing to do, giving out your Steam account like that to someone you know would maliciously use it.

Tbh steam or not, it is still giving a seperate working BL game out to another person, which is near exactly what key sharing is. The only difference is he didn't have to punch in a key, it is already loaded by steam

since Steam blockland doesn't have a key
I've heard you can still revoke steam players

I've heard you can still revoke steam players
I didn't say you couldn't; I said that Steam Blockland accounts don't have keys that you type in. Therefor, you cannot get the Blockland account tied to that 'key' without the Steam account.

I didn't say you couldn't; I said that Steam Blockland accounts don't have keys that you type in. Therefor, you cannot get the Blockland account tied to that 'key' without the Steam account.
And by the way, I am not trying to protect Perry or something, I'm simply explaining what Insert Name Here didn't understand.


Giving someone a key = Key sharing

Are you this dense or legitimately this loving stupid

What the forget do you not get.
I'm just saying that prior to this loving drama, I had no idea that key sharing was even remotely bannable. I share my steam accounts with so many friends and I've never been bothered by anyone about it. I've never had any VAC bans or any malicious events happen on any of my accounts. I'm really surprised that this on goddamn game on my steam library has some hidden no sharing rule and now i'm due to lose 10 hard earned loving dollars. Also you calling me an idiot every five seconds over a clear misunderstanding is noticeably handicapped, and i'm very certain that everybody else notices it.

I'm just saying that prior to this loving drama, I had no idea that key sharing was even remotely bannable. I share my steam accounts with so many friends and I've never been bothered by anyone about it. I've never had any VAC bans or any malicious events happen on any of my accounts. I'm really surprised that this on goddamn game on my steam library has some hidden no sharing rule and now i'm due to lose 10 hard earned loving dollars. Also you calling me an idiot every five seconds over a clear misunderstanding is noticeably handicapped, and i'm very certain that everybody else notices it.
You know  when you buy the game (on the website), it displays a few terms and rules, one of them obviously stating ''do not share keys''

Plus it should be common knowledge that sharing keys is basically a way to bypass having to buy the game, which in itself is a form of piracy, which is not a good thing to do lol