Author Topic: considering NOT going to college  (Read 2693 times)

i'm the stereotypical white kid where my only arm strength comes from jerking off. there's no hope for me lol

Y'know for what it's worth I'm willing to wager that joining the army is a pretty good way of going from noodle soup to average joe. As long as you're not joining the marines or the navy seals I doubt they'd turn you away unless you had some kind of serious cardiovascular disease.

If you're terrified of the thought of some impoverished goat forgeter somehow landing a mortar within 100 miles of your base, then it's probably not for you. But you should consider it, because not having a degree is most likely going to handicap you in the working world.

College is weird, its putting yourself in a lot of debt so that you can make a little bit more than everyone else.
I want to go to school still and I am still in school, but I dont just want another stuffty job where you make a couple more dollars per hour.
inb4 muh comp sci muh engineer
You barely make money unless your top of the top and have many years of experience under your belt and your working at the best companies.

Real engineers have masters and doctorates with YEARS of grad school / interning

The whole thing is confusing. Life is confusing. School is good but some of these people that have replied are the crowd that believes a 4 year degree in a stem field will get you a job making 70k+ a year starting.
Just my two cents. Do what you want to do.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 03:38:44 PM by Kumquat »

by not going to college you are signing off that you are willing to always be an employer's second choice when it's down between you and someone else who has the same talents as you do but with a degree

in other words, i wouldn't recommend it unless you'd settle for subpar jobs for your entire life with the risk of never making a six-figure salary. i'm not meaning to sound biased, but you will objectively lead a less successful life than people who did go to college. unless you're extremely lucky or posess an ungodly talent with computers, of course