Author Topic: i'm on a hitlist  (Read 4823 times)

so the past few days have been odd, to say the least

this kid at my school (who's been joked about for a while to be a honor student) wrote a song called Columbine, with lyrics explicitly talking about shooting people at the school. he wrote a list of people he wanted to kill and i was at the top of it. the kid's been suspended for 10 days. mass hysteria has swept the school with rumors like "he had a gun on him" and "he was planning on doing it today"

so it's possible i may not be going to school on tuesday. ive been lightly freaking out about this for a bit. ama

he probably isn't going to act on it, but damn that's pretty scary

how did you find out about the song

did he hand it out or something?

how did you find out about the song

did he hand it out or something?
he had shown a friend of mine the lyrics, who in turn showed me

and i was at the top of it.
whoa how did that happen

thats actually pretty suspenseful

whoa how did that happen

thats actually pretty suspenseful
he has a funny voice that i jokingly do an impression of all the time (accurately too) and i guess he picked up on the fact that i was making fun of him, not laughing with him

that should call for an expulsion and police investigation.

Just be happy that wasn't Hillary's hitlist, or you wouldn't have been able to post this thread.

Holy stuff.
And this is why I still certainly agree with Milo, Gun Free Zones are and always will be Safe Spaces for Killers.

He might not do it, but that's just messed up.

yeaaaa someone should probably do something about that.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2016, 01:38:50 PM by startacker »

if you see the kid acting suspicious, run away while screaming hysterically in an attempt to get anyone's attention

that's really bad, man
i mean, the name columbine's probably already taken as a song title. he's gonna have to get a new one or copyright's gonna kick his ass

yeaaaa something should probably do something about that.
ot though what the hell that kid needs some help or some stuff, something more than just a suspension

fun fact.

the columbine shooter's bombs never exploded because they used toy alarm clocks with non conducting plastic hammers.

The more you know

same thing happened at a school near me, i wasn't on the hitlist though

pretty sure that kid's expelled and possibly in jail, though