Author Topic: Converting to Buddhism.  (Read 3509 times)

So I've been dwelling on this for quite a bit and decided I'd like to share so feel free to read and share whatever your religious/spiritual beliefs are.

For all of elementary school I would consider myself Christian.  I went to a Lutheran private school and I prayed every day, was taught the fundamental lessons of the Bible and of God and went to church once every week for 7 years of my life.  One day in the 1st grade I think, my parents told me that they weren't Christian and I guess that hit me hard because I never really looked at my religion or beliefs the same way, I prayed the same but I didn't view things the way I did before.

Fast forward to middle school and I started believing more in myself than in a god.  I stopped praying altogether and started focusing on life as is and what I needed to do as a student. I was also discovering myself and my loveuality at this time (very hard and frustrating time emotionally and mentally) and of course anything other than straight is generally frowned upon in the Christian community, so that was kind of a done deal for me. I stopped believing in a god and started leaning towards more scientific beliefs. For almost 5 years now I've been agnostic.

I've always been fond of ambient music and ever since the 8th grade I would go into half an hour to an hour meditation sessions and relieve all of my emotional and mental stresses. (loveuality, school, social, personal) I would sit there, eyes closed, and breathe and let go of all of my worries and focused on every positive thought that came to mind. I didn't know that Buddhists did this at all. I've been researching Buddhism for almost a year now and I've finally decided to dedicate myself to the teachings of Buddha and understand the nature of dharma. (cosmic order)

this is kind of all over the place but i'm kind of curious to know what ur guys' beliefs are or if anyone else is buddhist here

why were you going to a christian school if your parents weren't christian wtf

I would literally convert to Zen Buddhism and learn meditation just so I can be legally called Zen Master Ike

why were you going to a christian school if your parents weren't christian wtf
Some parents did that for educational purposes here, have a few friends like that.

I've thought about Buddhism too since it seems really relaxed and peaceful, though I still wanna dig more into it.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 07:44:56 PM by Frostbyte »

why were you going to a christian school if your parents weren't christian wtf
my parents knew the principal really well and our neighbors kids went there

You know buddhism isn't just about meditating once a day right

You know buddhism isn't just about meditating once a day right

He's not saying that. He enjoys meditating and sees that meditation is a large proponent of Buddhism, so he is inspired to learn more about Buddhism and begin to identify with it.

You know buddhism isn't just about meditating once a day right
right. its more about finding what your purpose is in this world and dedicating yourself to reaching nirvana, cant really go into too much detail tho cuz im on a phone so i can only tell you to read more on an article

Isn't one of the things of Buddhism to be humble and only have the necessities?

Isn't one of the things of Buddhism to be humble and only have the necessities?
yeah, the Four Noble Things

Isn't one of the things of Buddhism to be humble and only have the necessities?
thats really only if you become a monk which isnt required, but as long as you live by the Five Precepts youre fine and the four noble truths you should be fine
« Last Edit: October 16, 2016, 08:15:22 PM by Khaz »

i betray the teachings of buddha because of my crippling bread addiction

i betray the teachings of buddha because of my crippling bread addiction
I think that's breaddha, actually

so youre in CIA now. not cool

so youre in CIA now. not cool
na you're confusin buddhism with islam