Author Topic: [Cannon666 / Luthorious] Possible Thief / Bad Host (Uncooperative Life RP Host)  (Read 8366 times)

You son of a bitch? Bully him? And if you don't care forget OFF!

But seriously, apparently he has nothing better to do, at least I have a life now, at least I'm actually trying to make a difference in my life as well. He simply does not care, I don't want him too either. I just want him to stop harassing the stuff out of me.

Sydewise: "I want this to stop"

But seriously, apparently he has nothing better to do, at least I have a life now, at least I'm actually trying to make a difference in my life as well. He simply does not care, I don't want him too either. I just want him to stop harassing the stuff out of me.

Sydewise: "I want this to stop"


Yes, I wan't this to stop, seriously.

May i also add that quite a bit ago i built a house on Cannon's server and Teck contiuned to d-wand it saying it was "spam" even though Cannon allowed it after i talked to him.

JUST LEAVE ME THE forget ALONE! I am getting so SICK and loving TIRED of you BULLYING the stuff out of me on BLOCKLAND. ALRIGHT? forget OFF! CALL IT WHAT YOU WANT I CALL IT BULLYING, JESUS loving CHRIST.

"bully him or whatever you do after you see this Idk Idc

You son of a bitch? Bully him? And if you don't care forget OFF!


how can anyone take the internet this seriously

how can anyone take the internet this seriously
if you get banned In the game it feels like losing a part Of your Body in THE REAL WORLD (irl)

if you get banned In the game it feels like losing a part Of your Body in THE REAL WORLD (irl)

more like loosing an inch off your snake