Author Topic: [NEWS] The FBI’s Own Investigation Summary Proves Hillary Clinton Broke The Law  (Read 2426 times)

Tony could at least provide a link to the publicly available documents released by the FBI
However I honestly doubt that any of you nerds have the patience to read all of this. I certainly don't.
I did some skimming and I didn't happen across anything particularly spicy, but at the very least it does speak to her terrible character.

"The OIG stated it found 'no evidence' that Clinton sought approval to conduct State business via her personal e-mail account or private servers, despite her obligation to do so. Clinton told the FBI that she did not explicitly request permission from State to use a private server or e-mail address. According to the State OIG report, State employees alleged that John Bentel, then-Director of S/ES-IRM, discouraged employees from raising concerns about Clinton's use of personal e-mail." Part 01, Page 10

If I'm feeling particularly dedicated later, I might go through it more, but there's a lot to read.

lord tony's special interest revealed

However I honestly doubt that any of you nerds have the patience to read all of this. I certainly don't.

They don't.

In one of jairo's news related topics I actually read his source and I quoted it in the thread. Then everyone is like "WHERE'S YOUR SOURCE TONY" and I'm telling them if they actually read jairo's source they would know where my source came from.

Your examples are not only lacking but they aren't even relevant. A news topic without any sources is pointless, because all the people who didn't know about it still have to find out reliable information for themselves. The fact that people make fun of you for not posting source is a joke, a legitimate complaint, AND a direct consequence of your failure to do so. You had the opportunity to shut it down, and you didn't.
At this point, you can keep whining about it every time somebody brings it up while actively contributing to their doing so, or you can just fix it and move on with your life. Unless you get a kick out of the attention it brings to you.
People will bitch about your partisan sources, but even that is absolutely better than nothing, particularly when your topics are so vague that it's actually impossible to triangulate what you're talking about without already having seen something that you saw on TV.

If they choose not to believe that's on them. They probably believe a sourceless Facebook picture though