Author Topic: master matthew  (Read 8925 times)

i wish he could find humor in the same fashion he finds stuff on shillary;u=149802

random astray political stuff
I like Annoying Orange more than Hillary.
an entire thread dedicated to milo
Lock this thread!
Twitter got what they deserved.
RIP @nero

political tantrum
I'm still absolutely pissed and confused about the massive logic failure within the people of the US. Some how, despite leaks, facts, points and all sorts of other scandals being brought to light on Hillary, despite her obvious intentions to start a loving war, Despite the media being torn a new one, and despite the fact most people don't even believe the media, we're going to vote Hillary into office. Question: ARE YOU loving STUPID? Listen, I know people liked the fallout games, but playing that in real life ain't gonna be fun trust me. Somehow we've come to the conclusion it's better to have a villanous lying sociopathic warmongerer in office, then a supposedly, tribal loveist pollitically incorrect idiot. Hey, I don't like ether of these two asshats, but the choice should be loving obvious, but apparently not. For some reason most people came to the conclusion we should vote Hillary because Annoying Orange is Evil, and she isn't. HOW THE loving HELL DID MEDIA SLANDER THAT ONLY 6% OF PEOPLE BELIEVE DO THIS stuff? It's like if tumblr teamed up with trigglypuff and brainwashed everyone. How the hell did this happen, at this point I'd vote in Obama again before I'd vote in Hillary.
Okay condescensing spy, I know some people have uninformed opinions, but with the information at hand, the results just don't add up.

too cool for those stupid fads
This is a loving stupid fad, like 'Damn Daniel' or 'Dabbing' It will go away, hopefully.
too cool for the political compass
17, and I don't do this arbitrary name system bs.

his jokes
This is my best screenshot:

his jokes

his jokes
Hey, I liked Fallout 4 too, but we don't need a sequel that badly.
If she wanted to distract people from the election, why would she want people talking about the people who are running?

his random ass discord, which his motives of are in plain sight:
  • @host
    • The one with ultimate control.
    • Master Matthew

victim card
Yeah, and apparently trying to make a semi-professional discord with a proper thread only leads to people posting dismissive bullstuff.
victim card
Oh, someone's trying to fix an issue?

Do you realise how loving dismissive this stuff is.
Saying "oh another under the same category, must be stuff" tells me you looked at the title, and posted without reading the OP.
CONGRATULATIONS: You're no better than than the average youtube commenter.

stop with the FTFY stuff
i hate people who find joy in joining threads, talking stuff, then leaving in the span of 2 seconds
Now that about sums up my experiences.

forget u bih
and for the love of everything that is held dear, don't let it be more loving latex/leather/full bodied suits.

not reading OP

It's easy and fun to use!
that's 8-bit music

that's not what we're talking about

not to mention he's going on a fresh account. thats a lot of posts.
very annoying user, needs to read over what he posts before he posts it and where he posts it.
his ease on outing any opinion he has on politics and how the forum is making him feel could easily get him in trouble.

he reminds me of the Duck Quackington or whatever the name was

cuck for milo, matthew. cuck for milo.

what a dangerous cigaretteot

why do people come here with the one purpose of making terrible topics instead of putting something productive into addons or gallery or what this game is actually about

go away matthew

loving finally

this dumbstuff needs to forget off the forums

i hate him
the main reason i hate him is his avatar. i hate it.
but yeah hes also an idiot

drama on his other account

he has changed somewhat but he is reverting to his old days i feel. /neutral for now because he hasn't done anything wrong but maybe has some tantrums but thats my opinion

drama on his other account

he has changed somewhat but he is reverting to his old days i feel. /neutral for now because he hasn't done anything wrong but maybe has some tantrums but thats my opinion
i don't think you are in a position to bring up drama on anyones prior account

drama on his other account

he has changed somewhat but he is reverting to his old days i feel. /neutral for now because he hasn't done anything wrong but maybe has some tantrums but thats my opinion
ur a mod on his discord right, if that place still exists even

drama on his other account

he has changed somewhat but he is reverting to his old days i feel. /neutral for now because he hasn't done anything wrong but maybe has some tantrums but thats my opinion
like how the dramas from your account too

this guy has always been a babbling mess and its probably never going to change

how old is this guy anyways?

anyone who genuinely believes hillary would start a nuclear fallout is an idiot

he isnt bright but it looks to me like op is stuffting on him because he holds opposing political opinions

he isnt bright but it looks to me like op is stuffting on him because he holds opposing political opinions