Author Topic: ↟↟↟Shards↟↟↟; A Frozen struggle for Survival; Hiatus time.  (Read 5284 times)

A Frozen Struggle for Survival.

Welcome to Shards.
Shards is a forum game inspired by Bloodlust, The Long Dark, and other such things.
This if a forum game grounded in reality, so it isn't full of Chaos and such.

How To Play;
You have 5 points of health.
Head, Arms, Torso (hips included), Legs. They start from bright green and go down to dark Red. When they go black, they are essentially useless limbs. Keep those in the best state you can.
There is a LIMITED inventory. (Increased by Backpack, Satchels, Pouches, etc.)
Hunger, Warmth, and Stamina follow the same system as the Health. Points of those that are deducted are in the Grey coloration.
Keep warm, Keep full. In turn, your stamina stays high. (Other effects are shown by character animations)

Tools are multipurpose. You can use a Hatchet as an Hammer (flat end), etc.

  • No crazy magic bullstuff. This isn't Bloodlust.
  • Don't Meta anything.
  • Please do not do Suicidal based things (as that wont be done)
  • Be Smart
  • Enjoy the Adventure.

In the northern reaches of.. who knows here, you Quickly awaken.
(Give it a bit to load frame by frame.)
"F-forget.. my Head. What the hell happened..?"
You fail to remember your name
You get to your feet after feeling your head, which is bleeding.

You now wonder what to do in this Frozen Tundra. {You waggle your arms as you attempt to keep warmth.}

Also, if you want me to edit anything (aka, add status effects to Invet. Screen, suggest!

Edit; Improperly had a inspiration. Fixed to 'The Long Dark'
« Last Edit: November 21, 2016, 12:15:39 PM by MTrRxx »

Look around for any signs of humanity like cabins

Also that is some lovey animation

wont you like
run out of background if you use images


Ahh, the blockland forums. Where every forum game starts with something loveually related.

jack off to keep your richard warm

wont you like
run out of background if you use images

I will end up making my own after a bit.

I didnt want to spend 2- 3~ hours making a background.

Anyhow, there'll be a update later on today. I dont got the time in the morning to update this.

Also, thanks for the comment on my Animation. First time using Pivot in several months.

-Non-Animated update while in school-
Do jumping jacks.
You proceed to do Jumping Jacks, it helps increase your heat.
Look around for any signs of humanity like cabins

Also that is some lovey animation

You look around for signs of civilization, you can see a run down Cabin and a.. Truck. A Broken truck propped up against a tree. You then remember you were driving..somewhere, when you hit a animal. Likely a Moose, or Deer. This is your truck that is crashed into a tree.

What do you do now? Investigate the Truck for items and remnants of your Identity? Or go to the run down Cabin?

Also, when I can update again (later on today, after school) I'll add status effects. Hypothermia, Bleeding, etc. Tber, if you got some suggestions, PM me. You did make the highly popular Bloodlust, after all.

check out and take the stuffs you find things  that you use in everyday life and find out your a deliverer and when you look at the back of your truck its filled with tools i guess its a delivery for a toolshop

check out and take the stuffs you find things  that you use in everyday life and find out your a deliverer and when you look at the back of your truck its filled with tools i guess its a delivery for a toolshop
  good sir, learn punctuation.

And i will decide what is in the truck.

-2nd nonanimated update.-
You go to the truck, to investigate.
You see a Backpack in the bed, a wallet in the glove compartment, a fur coat, and a knife. Combat knife.

There is no tools visible.

There is a quiet sneeze from the direction of the cabin.

You quickly grab the items you found, and prepare to investigate.

Inventory, stats, and such will be updated when I get home.