Author Topic: What was the worst vehicle accident you have witnessed?  (Read 2051 times)

Saw this biker getting his leg crushed to pulp by a tractor and my dad and I helped the guy stay conscious til the cops and trauma helicopter arrvived to take over.

It looked like this lil cake

well, back in 2008, I was getting home from my grandfather's with my mother and sister, I think my dad was at an Ohio state game with my Aunt's husband. It was late at night in my mom's old green 1997 Eddie Bauer Ford Explorer, me and my sister were in the back seats, of course. Then, some starfish goes through a red light and hits my mom's car from the side, totaling the car with it, too; it was terrible. The airbag went off with some smoke, the car horn wouldn't stop, and we heard a loud boom-like sound come from the side he hit us. We had to wait for my mom's sister to arrive in her old red... Chevy, I think, I forgot that. My mom got a 2006 Ford Explorer (that's got engine problems now) in a week later.

I've never witnessed a serious accident take place before, but while on the bus from Rome to the airport we saw a crushed motorbike, a 10 ft blood smear and a bloodied body bag.

i have never been in a car crash or seen one in all 18 years of my life.

Then how did you know it exploded?
did you even read what he said?
the tank itself was literally broken like it had exploded.

I was in my dad SUV and we were heading to Kings Dominion and I noticed someones car in stuck in between both sides of the highway in the grass and also I seen a crash and some smoke when he were home another time and that I think that is the worst.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 06:47:40 PM by cooolguy32 »

The truck had flames around the cab.

i witnessed a car crash right smack into a stone sign for the neighborhood i live in at high speed
surprisingly the driver didn't get seriously hurt

other than that i witnessed a hit and run at 51st and baseline (aka a stuff place)
no one in the victim car was injured but they kept on bitching and bitching (though i don't really blame them)

about a year ago some guys crashed into my brother's old car that he never uses anymore
our neighbors said they saw a woman get out of the car, look around, and then run off
iirc there was also a guy with her, guess they were having an argument and they hit the car

thing is, if that car wasn't there anymore, they would've crashed into our gate and dealt some damage
basically my brother's old car was a shield
i was asleep at the time so i couldn't see it for myself, just heard about it

Guess what happened here. We don't know exactly what either.

some forgetin moron once crashed into me mums car
she lived but the car got forgeted in the front

man crash into front of moving truck with motorcycle
man die

i had an uncle who was a motorcycle cop
i think i remember seeing footage of the crash that killed him in 2003 on the news but i probably wont ever find it (not like i want to anyways)
heres the memorial page if anyone wants to see it
« Last Edit: November 02, 2016, 08:49:39 PM by Ragequit »

Recently there was a head on collision outside my house. My dad said a collision happened in the same location not too long ago


I've seen the accidents that have killed at least 5 people that I knew personally.

when I was walking to school a car just caught on fire across the street