Bedpost's MERP [1300]

Author Topic: Bedpost's MERP [1300]  (Read 1219 times)

Bedpost's MERP
YEAR : 1300

What's a MERP?
A MERP (Mini Empires Role Play) is a type of game made for Blocklanders to start off as one small empire weak and sorrow, and to grow into a large wealthy country.

Grand Duchy of Moscow - Bedpost
Byzantium Empire - Zharthon

How to Join
Copy and fill this chart out below, POST IT, and you'll be ready to go.

Flag : (Draw/Create your own flag on MS paint or and size it as 600x300 pixels)
Name of Empire :
Government Type :
Leader :
Coinage/Currency symbol :
Unions/Alliances :
Remember, you can edit your stats at any time to get in time with the game.

If there are tit islands, will there be ballsack ones too?

If there are tit islands, will there be ballsack ones too?
looks like a broken heart to me

Damn, way to bring down the mood.
i may have broken hearts
but you have handicapped souls
(i broke hearts but matthew has made people more dumb)

this looks like a really small map for a merp

this looks like a really small map for a merp
I plan on expanding it once empires are growing. It's like, discovering lands.