Author Topic: Blockland Campaign: The Gold Brick (Gamemode World 1 Released!)  (Read 20168 times)

So here's the story so far to those who may want to know it:

World 1 - Kingdom of Blocklandia:

You wake up one morning in your house in the Kingdom of Blocklandia, and are greeted by a messenger, Infomaniac, from King Badspot. He tells you that you are being called upon by Badspot for an important task. Unfortunately, the bridge on the path to the kingdom has collapsed, and you must go the long way through the caves.

You go through the caves and eventually find the city where Badspot is. There are vendors and people to talk to in the city. Talking to Badspot, he tells you he has received word that a group called TBM has stolen the Gold Brick, an artifact of legend, and is planning to use it for malicious purposes. He has been told TBM has a fort in  Pirate World, and wants you to go investigate it and TBM's plan. Unfortunately, the only way to Pirate World is through teleportation, and the only Wizard nearby is Plornt.

You go through some areas, fight some enemies and do puzzles until you eventually get to Plornt's house, and he teleports you to Pirate World.

World 2 - Pirate World:

In Pirate World, you appear at a Port, Port 28000. There are vendors and npcs. The main NPC, Ephialtes, is on the dock. Talking to him
World 3 - The Forgotten Lands

Coming out the portal, you find yourself in a rocky / mountainy / arid environment. You go through some areas and eventually get to some npcs that tell you the area has been corrupted by TBM, and that the TBM base is somewhere further on. You go past more areas and find the base.

It's pretty obvious as the story goes on I have less stuff planned.
That's as much as I I'm going to reveal as the rest is not really concrete so far.

« Last Edit: December 31, 2016, 12:30:47 PM by Blockhead31735 »

For those who don't want to have stuff spoiled, here is the work of the day:

Only a couple areas remaining for this world.

Little bump for now, been busy this past week so I don't have anything to show for it, but this weekend will try to finish up the first world and put up a download for just that.

Need suggestions for npcs and lines more than ever as I'll be doing the build of city now.

Sorry for bumping this old post but what exactly happened to it ?

Have gotten a little distracted with some stuff. Will come back to this soon and actually have some work to show, but working on a few other things rn.

can brockrand be mentioned at some point in this

add some kind of optional Superboss, that would take a few more then players to defeat.

make a room in which you press a button.
After every 200th press you get an award, after the 1,000,000th press you get the ultimate reward...
A copy of blockland.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2016, 03:48:58 PM by cromartini »

at some point you should be banned and go to banland which will be a bit like hell then you get back to the "Real World" by making an alt

how about cryptic crap from like pit of 100 trials

Work has started again. This time in City of Blocklandia.

I need players to be NPCs now more than ever!
Some ideas for NPCs are:

-Common townspeople
-Nobles in King Badspot's court.
-Shady vendors

Any other ideas for NPCs are welcome. If you'd like to be an NPC, just give me:

-Name(IG or Forum, whatever you'd like to be called)
-Avatar (either pic or rough description)
-Your line(s)

Currently hosting build if you'd like to stop by and check it out or give ideas directly in game. Already gotten couple NPCs. Thanks for help and interest!

down to be a shady vendor, ideally in a stupidly hard to reach place thats still visible from the ground

the cops havent caught me cause they cant rocket jump

down to be a shady vendor, ideally in a stupidly hard to reach place thats still visible from the ground
the cops havent caught me cause they cant rocket jump

Will add, though probably in World 2 or 3.

World 1 is complete build wise. There are 8 areas total. Tomorrow I will post download provided I can get a couple more people to be npcs.

No screenshots cause lazy.

Name: Tber123
Avatar: See above picture
Role: Common townsperson
Lines: Don't care, whatever you want them to be