Author Topic: Any players you just simply love/like?  (Read 6161 times)

clearly you do not if u cant even spell his name right
someone called me daswitch once

Drydess, Nal, AugustTheKanga23, Akio-, Superfun909, otto-san, TheABELBOTO, SphericalCube, patton360, ThePatriot, Conan, InvisibleName, lbpguy20, Malleo100, AlexanderUltra123, Hansome dude, Eon, Ownage56 :3, Kringleberg, Frequency, Dark Blockland Guard alt., Metalliku, Zeblote, DodgeViperAcr16, Nickpb 4.0, Foopster, Juncoph, Unwritten Calender, Daswiruch, DataProxy, Master Lightbrink, Kobewarrior, Rockinboy2000, AcornCake, TheKid, Foxscotch, Admiral Obvious, Menderman, Crazy Salt, ßlöükfáce, crazy54311, Kidalex90, Perry, Darryl McKoy, Private McDoggy, Qwepir, Alternat¡ve, Nix the Glaceon, failbros2, startacker, Bomb Kirby, DestroyerOfBlocks, Archimedes, Georges, Doctor Disco, hotremox, Daniel.S, Tillsy, blazerblock2, legowarrior1414, Zotron, Dreams_Of_Cheese, Flamecannon, Freek, Lord Tony®, beachbum111111, -Pablo-, Steve5451², MoltenKitten, Blue Screen, Masterlegodude, crazies alt, Meta_KnightX, Office-Pirate, Pupsikeks, Darkgladiator, _OXBADCODE#, Dexger, Shazoo

i'd wish people would appreciate me :'(

ok literally everybody in glory hole
steve jenkins
and a bunch of others that im probably forgetting

i probably forgot a few of u sry if i did
« Last Edit: November 04, 2016, 09:06:33 PM by gr8dayseth »

armyunit - his military builds and spaceships are spot on

Was about to say I don't make those things very well, and then I read the line above.
10/10 well played

Hrrrrm, I know I will forget someone, so I'll be editing this list over time.
I'm intentionally excluding people who don't use the forums btw, sorry Xot if you're reading this.

1: Marios.
 Nix the Glaceon
 Pastry Crust
 I guess Master Matthew is alright

Post users you like
I like:
Insert Name Here
Nix The Glaceon
Red Spy
Lord Tony
Simple Fish
The Resonte!
Mr Queeba
Lego lad
Notorious B.I.G.

thearmyguy - his bug mod is amazing and he's super helpful for learning how to mod <3
armyunit - his military builds and spaceships are spot on
What the forget did you just loving say about me, you little blockhead? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the tutorial, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Badspot's lag party, and I have over 300 confirmed builds. I am trained in knife TDM warfare and I’m the top builder in the entire Blockland community. You are nothing to me but just another blockhead. I ban you the forget out with duration the likes of which has never been seen before on this baseplate, mark my loving words. You think you can get away with saying that stuff to me over the Internet? Think again, forgeter. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of skiddies across the forum and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the crash, maggot. The crash that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your save files. You’re loving dead, blocko. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can ban you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just without admin permissions. Not only am I extensively trained in blocking off your build, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the NARG extra large brick inventory and I will use it to its full extent to block your miserable build off the face of the plate, you little stuff. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your loving tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn blockhead. I will stuff plastic all over you and you will drown in it. You’re loving dead, blocko.

ok real talk the list is too long and i don't want to clutter up the page so damn much

thearmyguy - his bug mod is amazing and he's super helpful for learning how to mod <3
armyunit - his military builds and spaceships are spot on
these, i wish he'd finish the water pack though :(

I guess thearmyguy just didn't think it would be worth making :(