Author Topic: FONV quest mods  (Read 653 times)

Anyone have any quest mod suggestions for Fallout New Vegas? I've done all the standard quests so many times that I need some new stuff to break up monotony while I fiddle with weapon mods and other such things

I just beat Transcendence, which was pretty decent, and I've got New Vegas Bounties as well as A World Of Pain in progress, but I'm always looking for more

I hear Autumn Leaves is pretty good. There's also that mod that combines New Vegas and Fallout 3 into one if you have both games.

I hear Autumn Leaves is pretty good. There's also that mod that combines New Vegas and Fallout 3 into one if you have both games.

I played and finished Autumn Leaves and it was alright

The voice acting was a little sub-par, the area was a bit small, and I was disappointed that it was 100% dialog-based, but I enjoyed it for what it was