Author Topic: I was randomly looking at a videogame wikipedia article and I got scared  (Read 770 times)

So I was randomly getting information about Rockstars GTA IV videogame. There is this page about the controversies, where it talked about a parody page about a website called Grokster. The link was there, so I curiously clicked it and got a police message saying that they got my IP and that they are investigating. I shat my pants and when I did some research i saw that this grokster thing was illegal. It was closed on 2005 for some illegal sold stuff, and Im scared about it. Is this true, like, are they up on me?

The link of the article is here, the Grokster thing is point 1.3:

The message on the Grokster stuff thingy is this one (copy paste)

The United States Supreme Court unanimously confirmed that using this service to trade copyrighted material is illegal. Copying copyrighted motion picture and music files using unauthorized peer-to-peer services is illegal and is prosecuted by copyright owners.
There are legal services for downloading music and movies. This service is not one of them.
YOUR IP ADDRESS IS XX.XX.XXX.XX AND HAS BEEN LOGGED. Don't think you can't get caught. You are not anonymous
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 05:50:26 PM by danielmoya »

It's legitamite. But they don't really go to your house, you are just put on a list.

it MIGHT be legitemate, but don't worry too much. I've run into a couple of websites that are like "Gotcha IP bitch we is police" and stuff like that but sometimes it's just a scare. don't take my word for it tho

It's legitamite. But they don't really go to your house, you are just put on a list.
So, what does that mean? Im so scared right now. I just hope it doesnt mean banning or some stuff.

It's by the RIAA. Your fines & charges go up to $1000 for Attempted Piracy.

But then again, there's this page.

It's by the RIAA. Your fines & charges go up to $1000 for Attempted Piracy.
stuff, really? So I screwed up hard?

bro they are trying to scare you into not pirating. same reason utorrent traffic (even legal) will get your ISP to send you threatening emails

Impact of legal threats and fallout from Grokster’s demise
In the aftermath of the Grokster warning many users became alarmed that their IP addresses were being stored. Prosecution of such individuals relies upon what has commonly been referred to as a process of Doe Subpoena in which prosecutors are required to gain a series of subpoenas in order to find out the identity of the user behind the IP address in question. Following the shut down of Grokster blogs became inundated with concerned users fearful of the warning however there have been no reports of the use of doe subpoenas in this case.

stuff, really? So I screwed up hard?
no lol. thats ridiculous. its not illegal to curiously visit a website (especially by accident)

source: entire family are lawyers
« Last Edit: November 08, 2016, 05:59:06 PM by McZealot »

Well I did more research and I found a page about it. Check my edit.

Well I did more research and I found a page about it. Check my edit.
Good. I just hope nothing bad happens like paying or something. stuff, it wasnt even my fault.

i promise nothing is going to happen dude. they probably don't even really keep the IPs logged.

Thanks guys. Im calm now.

you think they'd care about some kid visiting a shut-down website? it's just scare tactics they use to keep you giving corporations their extra bucks.