Author Topic: wear multiple hats at once  (Read 1847 times)

someone would need to make a script that adds a /hat2 command which puts a hat on either mountpoint 1 or 3

i'd do it myself but hatmod has a ton of scripts which i'd screw something up if i did it.

in the mean time, you can do findclientbyname(name).player.mountimage(hathatnameheredata, 1);
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 12:23:46 AM by Trogtor »

you could alternatively have it all one command but with two arguments: one for the mountpoint and one for the hat itself ex: /hat 1 tophat
i don't know how many mountpoints are available but it could just be a bool argument if it's only two, but then having another command that lets you pick the mountpoint would just be more inconvenient than two simple commands.
can't wait until we can wear 3 hats at once just like some other game...
« Last Edit: November 12, 2016, 01:19:46 AM by QuadStorm »

i think there are three head mountpoints

There's one head mountpoint, when it comes to the image datablock's headpoint value.
There's 4 slot points, when it comes to the mountimage command.

The slots and mountpoints are two separate things. You can mount up to 4 images to the same slot, but only up to 4 total, to a player.

to put it in perspective

if you had three hats on, and then took out akimbo guns, one hat would come off

if you had four hats on, and either equipped any weapon or emoted (except alarm/sit/hug), a hat would come off
two would come off if you took out akimbo guns
if the hat in slot 0 had a triggerdown state, it would happen when you left clicked with the hat on

is someone actually working on this? because i too really want this

The most viable way to do this would be to put all the hats into the player model and use unHideNode instead of images.
Though you have to either replace m.dts or make a player that pulls a file from base/data/shapes/player

The most viable way to do this would be to put all the hats into the player model and use unHideNode instead of images.
Though you have to either replace m.dts or make a player that pulls a file from base/data/shapes/player
and it wouldnt support decals unless you packaged applyPlayerDecals or whatever the function was.

is someone actually working on this? because i too really want this
i can whip it up real quick 4 you if you want, probably.

In the ENIAC port of blockland, you're allowed to equip 8 hats at once! all you need is a combination of 65536 punch cards and you're all set on your magical hat adventure!

pretty sure arekan made this

pretty sure arekan made this
he has one that lets him triple hat, yes. i don't think he made it