Which of these rules have you broken or you have broken the most?
- Rule 1. No Off-Topic Topics
2 (6.5%)
- Rule 2. No Adult Content
6 (19.4%)
- Rule 3. No Pirating
1 (3.2%)
- (Rule 4, but actually it's not that bad lol)
2 (6.5%)
- Rule 5. No Goo-Goo-Eyed Pleading for Sympathy
2 (6.5%)
- Rule 6. No Brainless Posts
5 (16.1%)
- Rule 7. (you know you've broken this) No Flaming
10 (32.3%)
- Rule 8. No Cross Posting
1 (3.2%)
- Rule 9. No Cross-Forum Promotion
1 (3.2%)
- Rule 10. No Pyramid Schemes
- 0 (0%)
- Rule 11. No Chain Letters
1 (3.2%)
Total Members Voted: 31