Author Topic: Lord Tony's breach of rule #6  (Read 9457 times)

Noteworthy stat: On his current account(active for over a year now) lord tony has not been banned once.

Noteworthy stat: On his current account(active for over a year now) lord tony has not been banned once.
Is that note worthy?

ceist is obsessed with tony

Noteworthy stat: On his current account(active for over a year now) lord tony has not been banned once.
that is more bad than good to be honest

Lol it disproves your position because it's literally not what the rule was intended for. You literally made a drama that is equalivalent to stomping your feet and pouting about how you don't like one kid from school. Get the forget out of here with this stuff

Also trolling isn't against the rules. Admiting to trolling is. Literally how is such a large percentage of the forums completely unaware of the actual context of the rules
Saying it's not what the rule is intended for without providing your reasoning isn't helping me reconsider my view.
I don't like a lot of people on this forum. You being one of them, but have you seen me complaining about you at all?

Why would badspot ban him for trolling if its not even against the rules?
Everyone knows tony is an annoying pest but it's not like he's done anything to deserve a ban. You're just so banthirsty that you felt the need to manipulate the rules to gain support on a bogus drama topic. It's pretty pathetic.
People have been banned for trolling, despite the fact that in itself is not a rule. I also said in in the OP I don't care if he gets banned, I want him barred from posting stupid stuff on a constant basis. Calling me banthirsty when you don't even know what the forget you're talking about lol.

But you've been obsessed with Tony for a long time lmfao.

But you've been obsessed with Tony for a long time lmfao.
I have? I remember a few months ago I PM'd him asking him to post sources to his topics, and I also occasionally refute some his extra-handicapped posts. Other than that, where's the obsession?

that is more bad than good to be honest
depends who you ask

my point being that despite all of these stupid dramas tony hasnt actually done anything ban worthy. give the dramas a rest until he actualy does something malicious/bannable

depends who you ask

my point being that despite all of these stupid dramas tony hasnt actually done anything ban worthy. give the dramas a rest until he actualy does something malicious/bannable
I understand where you're coming from, but he is being malicious, and will always be malicious. He has plenty of dramas for a reason; actively baiting people to fight with should be provocation for a ban in itself especially given his past, since he's done this same stupid stuff before and gotten banned for it.

depends who you ask

my point being that despite all of these stupid dramas tony hasnt actually done anything ban worthy. give the dramas a rest until he actualy does something malicious/bannable
Didn't you drama me and a few other people a while ago despite us not doing anything bannable?

i'm fairly certain literally everyone that has the physical capability to change their opinion of tony knows he's a troll, making dramas does jack stuff considering there's nobody to convince and he doesn't respond to social pressure

op should just run the blockland forums since he apparently knows what people should and shouldn't get banned for.

op should just run the blockland forums since he apparently knows what people should and shouldn't get banned for.
damn straight.

if op ran the forums, tony would Ceist to exist here

if op ran the forums, tony would Ceist to exist here

If I ran the forums Ceist would still be here, I don't hold grudges.