Author Topic: master matthew - irrelevant politics posting  (Read 6815 times)

he just has opinions you dont like

No, he posts his stupid opinions in completely irrelevant thread to bait liberals into getting mad at him. There's a wide variety of annoying republicans on the forums who make the rest of us look bad by being persecutive cunts. You're among the stock, so you have nothing of value to add to the discussion.

nah, matthew is pretty cool.
Are you really that blind?
It was a bit of sarcasm, butthurt and me just being tired af.
So you admit to being a whiny bitch

Posted too soon thanks to my cat walking on the keyboard so noedit

Take this stuff for example
you sure got triggered op

It's loving ironic that if this stuffstain's opinions didn't line up with you, you would probably be in here preaching about how you're banning him from your server to teach him a lesson or something, so forget right off with this bullstuff

Matthew takes ques from Milo then wonders why nobody can stand him

Posted too soon thanks to my cat walking on the keyboard so noedit

master matthew and the murderous cop should fuse together and create the mega autismo

master matthew and the murderous cop should fuse together and create the mega autismo
Imagine the autism of master matthew and buzzwanker together

dont even remind me
master matthew and the murderous cop should fuse together and create the mega autismo
Neither of you have any room to speak

and me just being tired af.
He's pulling the 'I was tired' card guys!

This has got to be the most cliche and bullstuff excuse for doing dumb stuff ever. It's almost as bad as the 'sorry, that was my brother' excuse.
I used to pull the 'I was tired' stuff a while back, and looking back on it, it's so loving stupid.
Don't try and give excuses for doing dumb stuff, just own up to your dump stuff and you'll be much more respected for it.

master matthew and the murderous cop should fuse together and create the mega autismo
sounds pretty toxic

It's loving ironic that if this stuffstain's opinions didn't line up with you, you would probably be in here preaching about how you're banning him from your server to teach him a lesson or something, so forget right off with this bullstuff
still pulling this old straw man?
i only ban problem users and starfishs from my servers. hillary supporters, gays, anarchists and communists are all welcome :)