Author Topic: PSA: Ragref spams child research on Discord  (Read 17817 times)

the advice was implicit in the comment. as you seemed not to realize that was the case, i elaborated further in my response.

neither of those people have ever been on either discord
My mistake i should have clarified. I'm talking more about the trash in the discord not the discord itself

The point was all the trash users have allowed people like notorious to develop this mindset that what they do is funny. This forum has spent the last year soaking in garbage posts that now it's just beyond repair lol
Guess that's just my opinion tho shrugs

neither of those people have ever been on either discord
the ironic meme mentality doesn't differentiate very far. its all moronic regardless of who is where

The point was all the trash users have allowed people like notorious to develop this mindset that what they do is funny.
i really hate how some people have defended stuff users posting absolute garbage because they think it's funny
toxicology for example

He didn't do nothing though, Daswiruch.

the ironic meme mentality doesn't differentiate very far. its all moronic regardless of who is where
This so much

Its ridiculous how much people like that can damage a community

You called?
here's a prime example of a tumor on this website

Nick, you are the virus of this site. Instead of actually providing useful discussion, you blatantly dismiss users and bash them in the process.

holy stuff where did you get a new key lol
bedpost aka notorious big

Nick, you are the virus of this site. Instead of actually providing useful discussion, you blatantly dismiss users and bash them in the process.
what have you been doing for the past 5 accounts?