Author Topic: New computer soon... Yay O ___ O  (Read 2220 times)

Im getting a new computer soon and I dont know what to get.
I was thinking of getting a alienware since its very good.


You can see a review on here. But I think its way to expensive and I want to get something under $1000 but has similar reviews as the alienware.
Any decent computers that are good for gaming.
Thanks Fam

goes in off topic or maybe games

What :P

Your thread, which is this one, better fits at Off Topic or maybe Games.

if you want to play get a desktop becoz laptop die too quickly from heat issues

dude you can get a killer desktop for $1500

Isn't alienware known for being overpriced pieces of garbage

Isn't alienware known for being overpriced pieces of garbage
yes on the overpriced, no on the garbage

yes on the overpriced, no on the garbage
I meant garbage as in relative to other gaming PCs, certainly ain't garbage compared to what I have

yes on the overpriced, no on the garbage
Yes on the overpriced, absolutely on the garbage :/
Especially if it's a Gaming Laptop.

i found i7+1080 for 1500 on ebay lol, time to wake up

Build a PC. I cannot stress this enough. Pre-built PCs are ripoffs that will steal money from you, especially "gaming" laptops which are probably just going to explode into flames from heat.
Here's a good build that runs for $1140 when rebates are used:
If you can't go a bit over $1000, you can probably get a lower-end GPU like a GTX 1060.

Rebates are a pain in the butt and not always worth the hassle and uncertainty of getting them. Also, why in the world would you get a B150 chipset motherboard? True, it is a little cheaper, but you give up performance and flexibility. FWIW, here is my build I did recently, I based it on a good balance between budget and performance. This build kicks butt, has easily run every game I throw at it (including AAA titles) better than 60FPS. Base total is $1030.

Also, if the OP is lucky enough to live near a Micro Center the processor can be had for $179.99 and the motherboard for $99.99 if bought together there. That's where I got mine and that brings the base price down to $939.62 for the whole build. Heck of a deal. Note on the motherboard if bought from MC, it's called a Z170-AR there, the only difference between the two is that the AR doesn't have VGA out for the integrated graphics, but since you're using a dedicated card it's a moot point.

I assume you are a new forumer. For one, a post like this should be on off-topic. Next time, put it there. For two, good luck! Hope the computer works :)

Build a PC. I cannot stress this enough. Pre-built PCs are ripoffs that will steal money from you, especially "gaming" laptops which are probably just going to explode into flames from heat.
Here's a good build that runs for $1140 when rebates are used:
If you can't go a bit over $1000, you can probably get a lower-end GPU like a GTX 1060.

I recently got this prebuilt that about matches those specs for 1k flat

All I had to do is stick in a 1TB HDD that I already had lying around, and eventually I'll probably upgrade the PSU.
Prebuilts aren't always ripoffs