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Eastern Standard Time -5
78 (35.3%)
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35 (15.8%)
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18 (8.1%)
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34 (15.4%)
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17 (7.7%)
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24 (10.9%)

Total Members Voted: 221

Author Topic: New Years 2017 --- New record: 188 players (186 unique) Badspot actually vaped  (Read 79813 times)

channel 8; limericks cool station

CHANNEL 8: Zanlue
Builder, Addons, Eventing, Loops

Channel 666 is coming soon!!!

Hey, is there anyone that wants to be VIP?
You don't have to be famous, all you have to do is get our attention.
So if you feel like no one's paying attention to you maybe you should post in this thread.
yes please VIP the starfish

CHANNEL 7: Jam Jar
Eventing and Building

GOOD point
We are all keeping New Year's grounded on this blessed day

Hey, is there anyone that wants to be VIP?
You don't have to be famous, all you have to do is get our attention.
So if you feel like no one's paying attention to you maybe you should post in this thread.
vip is for losers i deserve to be an mvp

[img height=450 ]http://i.imgur.com/WKdoTN2.png[/img]
CHANNEL 7: Jam Jar
Eventing and Building
the british are coming

You know, I almost forgot about the New Years parties on Blockland until a few days ago when I remembered the previous ones.

Glad to hear you're doing another one this year too.

CHANNEL 6: Kobewarrior

how dare you throw glowsticks at me

super excited for this I've never been to one

Kobe is one of the best builders in the bl community, why in the hell did he only help with addons?