Author Topic: ravencroft flips out on me for no apparent reason  (Read 9890 times)

Images don't even load

he clearly doesn't know how to convert the screenshotted image to BB code, this could of strengthened the drama.

buzzwalker I took several
here's the dropbox folder those images are in, I put the images in the BBCode and previewed it, they're there for me.
ravencroft provide pics please, I haven't seen you in months aside from on glass chat
if "SuperSuit12" has harassed you, someone's stolen my name somehow. I haven't harassed anyone, at least not intentionally, and haven't played on public servers in a few weeks.

have you ever heard of a screenshot
I took several, buzzwaker
apologies, buzzwaker, I put an l in there in the previous post. some people get annoyed when their names are misspelled.

lol i didnt even notice that initially. he blamed it on someone impersonating him

we should trust a guy who self claims he has autism

we should trust a guy who self claims he has autism

listen to uncle damp, this could of gone to stuff

lol i didnt even notice that initially. he blamed it on someone impersonating him

raven, you're not in the wrong here, blockland is already cancerous, hes drama'd you over two sentences, he really needs to get off the internet if he's is that virtually sensitive. like seriously.. you only told him to stop, crown told him to stop, doesn't he loving understand he needs to STOP

uncropped because I have to leave soon
-broken images-
if (pagestretch == true) {
if op is friend = nosupport

I'd take Ravencroft's word over yours because atleast he can interact like a normal human

for users of the blockland forums

because this guy showed no evidence in his drama, i'll do it for him.

pulling victim cards won't give you a key to victory. you're lucky i can actually get these small screenshots that you took to work.

yeah for real ^
and his screenshots exclude the stuff the went down at the server beforehand

yeah for real ^
and his screenshots exclude the stuff the went down at the server beforehand
I haven't seen you ingame in ages, ravencroft, what server was this and what did I say or do to make you mad?

If it's something I did, I'll own up to my actions and give you a sincere apology. If it isn't, we'll know someone is using my name.

Can we get in a chat room tomorrow and discuss this like mature people?

And bringing my autism into this is a low blow and irrelevant.

And thanks, Buzz, for getting the screenshots working. Mine failed, IDK why. Blame dropbox and caching for why they worked for me. I have them, they just don't like me.

you should update your glass client.

you should update your glass client.
Is there a security issue that let someone impersonate me, or is this not about the drama directly?

raven's reactions are really out of left field looking at the screenshots so i'm gonna assume OP is intentionally leaving stuff out