okay, this is supposed to be an art piece. i want to figure out what the meaning is so i ask questions to better find that out. you really dont have to be an ass...
re: raven's slave barn: actually made me lol
whos worse jitank or paul
Its not that deep. Really, chill out.
why do they all have to be dark skin
Apparently over half of white Americans know better than anyone else. Yall live in a dream land.
Ignorant White Americans. Must be nice being able say, do, and think ignorant things without being judged by the majority. Honestly, yall got the power so say whatever ignorant stuff you please.
The only thing being destroyed is the voice of minorities so I guess white supremacy wins this round.
You have to remember all the offensive tribal junk that comes off Tony's fingers that I will not read. Also, I am one person vs a stuff ton of people; I cant answer everything. I ignored all of the comments heavy on ignorance, which were the majority.
mkay, you sir are delusion.
im back and im better hoes :)
Honestly I'd go with jitank
It's pretty obvious that slave barn was made as a homage to slavery and racism, so why are you so puzzled about it? It's clearly an offensive build. Stop trying to act surprised.
I asked the question to figure out why it was made because by the comments below, I couldn't tell what the intentions were. Im not gonna sit here an apologizes for being confused about the message. When people are confused, they ask questions.
can i ask one question too because I am very confused, why aren't you banned yet?