Author Topic: "james schneider" sends me gay research over PM  (Read 14618 times)

that is a blatant lie, because maxx spamming and the thing with office pirate was last weekend.

that is a blatant lie, because maxx spamming and the thing with office pirate was last weekend.

then we're talking about two different loving events

its not a lie and its exactly what happened, months ago

if this was something recent then its beyond my knowledge

then we're talking about two different loving events

its not a lie and its exactly what happened, months ago

if this was something recent then its beyond my knowledge
i cannot tell if you have a legitimate memory issue or you're trolling. both are plausible.

guess i was wrong, it was 2 weekends ago

here was your comment on it..

the "discussion" starts here, so you can refresh your memory:

holy stuff this is heated


the argument is pretty pointless, but an optimal outcome would be stufflord once again crying about how the forum is too toxic for him, and then returning to his stuff cliques so he and his buddies can suck eachother off

Office Pirate is still in the chatroom. If he plans to stay, then he abides by my rules. If not, he can get dropped for all I care.

I just want this to be a place where you can talk like actual human beings instead of acting like immature handicaps, itching to start arguments.

Nobody is turning my chat into a trainwreck.

but an optimal outcome would be stufflord once again crying about how the forum is too toxic for him, and then returning to his stuff cliques so he and his buddies can suck eachother off
you ok there buddy

Zapk PM'd me on Steam about how he wasn't the one who did it. He sent me images of some of the Discord PMs he has received with the same NSFW image in the OP (which I have censored out):

Zapk may actually be innocent here, but who knows.

It's not really gay since it's just one guy

you ok there buddy
I mean he's not wrong. That's usually the case, is it not?

you ok there buddy
thats why he left last time, but alright ?

Zapk PM'd me on Steam about how he wasn't the one who did it. He sent me images of some of the Discord PMs he has received with the same NSFW image in the OP
zapk also pm'd me on steam telling me about how his group was done with the queebaspeak thing and the ballhole.

however, given the evidence im compelled to believe that it all falls back on zapk. remember when he said he wouldn't spam the master server again? i don't believe anybody in their clique besides zapk has the coding capabilities to make bots to spam people.

thats why he left last time, but alright ?
your post seems to be a bit emotionally charged
did he hurt you

You are all missing the point so loving hard. It's not gay research, cause it's just one guy. Don't you get it? How dense can you be

Complaining over all these trivial matters when the obvious is staring you straight in the face

your post seems to be a bit emotionally charged
did he hurt you

he touched akio when he was 4