
Which of these rules have you broken or you have broken the most?

Rule 1. No Off-Topic Topics
2 (6.5%)
Rule 2. No Adult Content
6 (19.4%)
Rule 3. No Pirating
1 (3.2%)
(Rule 4, but actually it's not that bad lol)
2 (6.5%)
Rule 5. No Goo-Goo-Eyed Pleading for Sympathy
2 (6.5%)
Rule 6. No Brainless Posts
5 (16.1%)
Rule 7. (you know you've broken this) No Flaming
10 (32.3%)
Rule 8. No Cross Posting
1 (3.2%)
Rule 9. No Cross-Forum Promotion
1 (3.2%)
Rule 10. No Pyramid Schemes
0 (0%)
Rule 11. No Chain Letters
1 (3.2%)

Total Members Voted: 31

Author Topic: What you should NOT post onto Blockland Forums.  (Read 5915 times)

we already have rules, we know what not to post

click the post above yours and surprise! most of what you said is already there.

you shouldn't post anything to the blockland forums tbh

stop. we have a rules post for reason

you shouldn't post anything to the blockland forums tbh
I have never related more to a single post on this hellhole

you shouldn't post anything to the blockland forums tbh

I have never related more to a single post on this hellhole

Then, uh...

...Pause for suspense...

...Why did you just post?

Then, uh...
...Pause for suspense...
...Why did you just post?
there is only one person I like less than you and it's that girl who drowned a bunch of puppies in a river

Then, uh...

...Pause for suspense...

...Why did you just post?
because i'm a loving professional

Lol I'm beginning of thinking of locking this topic before a war starts

Off-topic life advice: Read all of a person's posts on the topic before saying anything.



« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 01:38:15 PM by Daxturus »

there is only one person I like less than you and it's that girl who drowned a bunch of puppies in a river

Well, seems like I'm almost as bad as a murderer for having a point. Okay.

because i'm a loving professional

Nice professionalism. Countering yourself builds it up real good.

Lol I'm beginning of thinking of locking this topic before a war starts

Off-topic life advice: Read all of a person's posts on the topic before saying anything.



If you're such a Blockland Forums expert...

why are you doing this random text lol??

On-topic life advice: If you don't actually have experience on something, you don't know it.


Nah, I love this thread. OP nailed it. People call it 'autistic' or whatever because it's designed to be the worst thread possible. If you can't handle intentional cringe you shouldn't have clicked on this thread.

If i remember correctly you might get banned for this
Edit:You are. Cya
Its a bad joke. Think before you post. Your getting banned by a high chance because of this line  You can't really do anything about it.
Next time read the rules.
Hey starfish, if you enjoy getting people banned go admin on Tezuni's. Nobody wants your bullstuff here--it's obviously a joke.