Author Topic: What is the most amazing movie you have ever watched?  (Read 5352 times)

All time favorite for me is tied between Blade Runner and Drive, both had such huge impacts on who I am so it's difficult to choose between the two.

honorable mentions in no particular order:
- Indie Game The Movie, one of the best documentaries to ever exist.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- Princess Mononoke (best Ghibli movie ever, Spirited Away and Totoro have jack stuff on this movie)
- When Marnie Was There (definitely not better that Spirited Away or Howl's, but imo some of the best Ghibli visuals done in a long time, movie carries with it a very odd but familiar sense of nostalgia)
- Bronson
- Sicario
- Inherit Vice
- The Last Of U- oh that's not a movie lol
- MGSV: The Ph- oh silly me that's not a movie either

The Room
unfortunately I can do a kickass Tommy Wiseau impression which I plague all my co-workers with.

i liked prometheus because i love ambitious word-building films but honestly it's far from 'amazing'.
prometheus in a nutshell unfortunately

4. 2001: A Space Odyssey (brilliant work of special fx and thought-provoking plot)
If anything I'd go as far as to say it has the best special fx of all time, the things they accomplished with that movie in terms of visuals and fx is absurd for 1968, and still looks better than the majority of rendered fx you'll see in recent movies.

shin gojira was fantastic

- 2001: A Space Odyssey
bad taste alert

no one mentioned bee movie yet

no one mentioned bee movie yet
you're what's wrong with society

bad taste alert
boi wht u sayin that movie is a fukin masterpiece

boi wht u sayin that movie is a fukin masterpiece
if you like watching slideshows

Honestly I really liked Interstellar
and Oblivion
and Inside Out
and other movies

Honestly I really liked Interstellar
and Oblivion
and Inside Out
and other movies

stop watching tv

I just recently watched the first Ghostbusters movie

cue politics