Author Topic: speak a foreign language?  (Read 4515 times)

Daswiruch es una perra, va a chupar una polla que el mono it joke

connaitre - to know (to be familiar with)

not to be confused with

savoir - to know (a fact)

and magnifique means magnificent
merci beaucoup
Daswiruch es una perra, va a chupar una polla que el mono it joke

resonte es muy obeso :)

been meaning to learn icelandic but im a procrastinator

been meaning to learn icelandic but im a procrastinator
is it so you can watch glanni glaepur i latibae

Ich spreche Deutsch auch, aber auch nur ein Bisschen.

Vy Frankogovoryashie syna o a Suk Zastavit menya chuvstvovat' sebya huzhe

been trying to learn portuguese for a while,
several months ago I was pretty actively trying to learn it, but then I got a job and am finding much less time to do it. I still want to, cus it's important 2me, but I guess it's on the backburner atm