Author Topic: Does "walking away" solve cyberbullying?  (Read 3978 times)

also I'm glad you were shamed into leaving until you got over spreading your cancerous special interest.
this is a thoroughly awful and terrible perspective to have on harassment, especially considering the fact that people actively looked for and brought up those things without flat's help ((and still do))
« Last Edit: December 16, 2016, 04:20:20 PM by otto-san »

this is a thoroughly awful and terrible perspective to have on harassment, especially considering the fact that people actively looked for and brought up those things without flat's help ((and still do))

yeah it kept him down for a while but that's the way it goes

no because what if I want to play blockland and the admins are away on the only good server and someone's being a jerk

I think I wouldn't say anything better about cyberbullying than McZealot did. And I also partially agree with SuperSuit above.

Though, I'd like to say something about real life bullying.

Let's say you are being bullied at school. How do you walk away? In a school you're more or less in an enclosed space, which you aren't allowed to exit until school's out for the day. How are you going to walk away there, ditch school every recess? If you do that anyway it isn't a problem, but what if you don't want to be forced to get out just to avoid a couple jerks?

At least in my experience, bullies can just walk to where you're going if you walk away. Of course, when it's time to go home, you can take every which way to get away from the bullies since you'll be freed out of the enclosed space now. But still, I don't believe walking away works with most bullies. Playing Outlast every school day just isn't possible.

Simply walking away will rarely really solve the problem. For one, if you're being legit cyberbullied on a specific site, then you cant really go back after you walk away because whoever was doing it will still be there, and walking away will just give them more fuel. You can just stop going to that forum or blog all together, but then it'll be a constant reminder that you let someone else control your decisions out of fear and ridicule. And then its worse if the person knows who you are in the real world, like a school bully or just someone from the same town who knows you. Then they can follow you, and torment you no matter what site you go to. Sure, you can just not use sites like that, but then you're giving up your free will. That's not "walking away" that's giving control to someone else. Cyberbullying, no matter where or how it takes place, is a problem that can't and shouldn't be ignored.

but you didn't really walk away from the screen. also I'm glad you were shamed into leaving until you got over spreading your cancerous special interest.
I don't quite understand how this is a good thing if I'm being honest with u

I don't quite understand how this is a good thing if I'm being honest with u

being bullied constantly made him a better person :^)

being bullied constantly made him a better person :^)
is that supposed to justify treating someone like stuff or something

On these forums the solution is to ignore it. Don't respond, no matter what.
Leave for a while if necessary.

If someone is intent on following you and trying to start stuff then just ignore them. They'll either get bored and stop, OR they'll go to such an extent to provoke a reaction that they'll break rules.
Then you report them. Don't point it out, just report it.

is that supposed to justify treating someone like stuff or something
