Author Topic: Ravencroft, Part 2: Speedhacking for an advantage with undeniable evidence  (Read 55811 times)

Potentally 3

Exactly, all thanks to the people who give Badspot loadsamoney.

Wait, lods of emone*

I'm sure Badspot appreciates Raven donating to his retirement fund

Exactly, all thanks to the people who give Badspot loadsamoney.

Wait, lods of emone*
Too much money not enough brains

yeah but does ravencroft has an endless pool of his parents money or whatever
raven's like 24

raven's like 24

You gotta be kidding me because that means Ravencroft is actually more immature than we give him credit for. He could've bought some cigarettes with that money but noooooo.

why was this thread bumped

why was this thread bumped
If you read past the last page instead of mindlessly saying that you'd know

You gotta be kidding me because that means Ravencroft is actually more immature than we give him credit for. He could've bought some cigarettes with that money but noooooo.
1 bl key doesnt even buy two packs. why cigs of all things

why was this thread bumped
Ravencroft appears to be back, hosting the server "Nigerian Cunts HQ"
An IP lookup shows the user's name being "Alastor", the IP lookup seems to be inconclusive in finding his alts.. However, this definitely seems like Raven, seeing from him hosting a Nigerian Cunts server.

only 2 days ago

Sorry for getting all the way back on this but:
I wouldn't say it's as much people getting upset as in people getting worked up over something that is literally such an easy fix. Now that this drama has been made server hosts will either take the proper course of acfion(banning raven) or do nothing. If they ban raven boom problem solved and you don't gotta worry. If they don't ban him then clearly they shouldn't be hosting and you're better off not on that server. What's really funny is what is going to come of this drama, the overreactions are always a good laugh.
Him using the hack is funny because like forget dudes it's raven and it's taken SOOOOOO long for him to get caught lmao
I literally hate people who say, well banning is the easy solution so just do that LOEL.
The problem is obviously that people seek ways to disturb normal gameplay in this online game to gain an unfair advantage over others.
If we ban him from one server AFTER we (finally) detect it, it is only a temporary, partial solution.
So yeah a drama in the hopes to get his account banned is a fair thing to do here since that is a bit more of a longer term solution.
But then again, the whole $10 key to get back in.
At least it is some kind of blockade that we can put in front of him rather then just ban him over and over again from every server he goes by, one by one.

Get it in your loving thick skull that cheaters and hackers are a thorn in the eye of people who play games for fun and/or a fair (friendly) competition with other players.
They ruin the fun by gaining an unfair advantage over the other players or ruining the fun for other players in another way.
Take your cheats to a single player game, fine, destruction galore, but taking it to an online game just ruins the fun for others so gtfo.

Ugh, sorry, just can't stand it.
And from what i see from his post history he is a (semi-)troll, so here, get fed.
Hope that fuels your need for attention for some time. :)

And from what i see from his post history he is a (semi-)troll, so here, get fed.
Hope that fuels your need for attention for some time. :)

you take the bait, you acknowledge you took the bait, THEN you post??

the blf proves it's lack of self control yet again


you take the bait, you acknowledge you took the bait, THEN you post??

the blf proves it's lack of self control yet again

Yeah but what's the harm/loss? Lordician just owned him in that post, and NickPB can't even respond, nor can he kek or chuckle about it, since he's ban on sight.

Unless you mean this is some sort of "don't kick a habitual problem user when they're down" type thing.

Yeah but what's the harm/loss? Lordician just owned him in that post, and NickPB can't even respond, nor can he kek or chuckle about it, since he's ban on sight.
why do you think being ban on sight bars you from the forums completely?

honestly there probably is no harm here. it just proves to me though that im right about people actually having the inability to ignore others here. like when i realize someone's a troll and that im giving them the ooey gooey attention they want, i just delete my post and move on.

i mean congrats on the silent victory and all, but he'll never see it so it does no good, and if he does see it he'll kek all the way to the moon and back cause yall are still twisted about it