Author Topic: stupid things you've done with kitchen appliances  (Read 2661 times)

One time I sautéed pork for a stir fry in a frying pan instead of a wok. I am such a moron

sautée that egg boi

I once instructed someone to cook a frozen pizza in the oven with the pizza still on the cardboard. Luckily we'll smelled it before it caught fire.

I've done that before but it came out just fine.

I had left a spoon in the blender, I used it to scoop something into the container and then it got covered up when I put the milk in and forgot about

made quite the jarring noise when I started it, thought it was ice because why on earth would anything damaging be in there. I opened the smoothie to find metal bits throughout the smoothie, a chewed up spoon, and some busted blades.

I had left a spoon in the blender, I used it to scoop something into the container and then it got covered up when I put the milk in and forgot about

made quite the jarring noise when I started it, thought it was ice because why on earth would anything damaging be in there. I opened the smoothie to find metal bits throughout the smoothie, a chewed up spoon, and some busted blades.

did you drink the smoothie

We have one of those flat electric cooktops where the only part that gets hot is the "burner" itself which means we tend to leave things on the stove that do not belong there, sometimes even when the burners are on,  including but not limited to plastic bags, plastic shot glasses, water bottles, trays including food that is already cooked and then proceeds to burn, and trays without food that get weird and warped, which have left a lot of weird looking melted things on our expensive stovetop

i once put play-doh in a toaster oven

jesus christ

i tried to boil a milk that was 3 years past expiry date (it was sitting in my unused fridge)

the moment i poured it into the pan i threw up because the smell was so bad, and i had to cover my nose to boil it. afterm boiling it i managed to create a weird oily mess in the pot and had to throw the entire pot away because the stuff was literally infused into the metal. the smell was awful I can't even explain how bad it was

the house smelled like decaying corpses and oily stuff for a week and I had to buy like 10 fabreezes in order to not vomit
« Last Edit: December 19, 2016, 11:51:06 AM by Perry »

I tried washing a kettle once by filling it with soapy water and turning it on.
Good news: I got it cleaned
Bad news: I ended up with water over the worktop and in the kettle base that was live with 230V AC. Thank forget nothing went wrong.

i tried to boil a milk that was 3 years past expiry date (it was sitting in my unused fridge)

the moment i poured it into the pan i threw up because the smell was so bad, and i had to cover my nose to boil it. afterm boiling it i managed to create a weird oily mess in the pot and had to throw the entire pot away because the stuff was literally infused into the metal. the smell was awful I can't even explain how bad it was

the house smelled like decaying corpses and oily stuff for a week and I had to buy like 10 fabreezes in order to not vomit
How did you not notice the milk was bad beforehand? Like, you should've noticed the smell the moment you took of the cap.

I'm guessing he knew but wanted to boil it anyway

PSA: don't put large, living clams in the microwave

obligatory "does anyone remember the tuna jar?" comment

Once tried to microwave a breakfast burrito that still had the wrapping around it, it made a burn mark inside the microwave

Also I tried to microwave a slice of pizza when I was like 4 and ended up burning the damn thing so badly that it was just a pitch-black triangle that smelled like stuff

when i was a preteen some friends and i put a bunch of dumb stuff in an old microwave that we found in a construction site, then smashed it with bats and sledgehammers. we left it out in a field and a few years ago i found it somewhere in a marsh nearby. i know it was ours because of the dents and what parts were missing from it. i should go see if it's still there lol