Author Topic: Christmas Tech Support General - please use this tomorrow  (Read 1725 times)

I notice that every year on the forums during Christmas, a lot of people need help with new things that they're unfamiliar with, as i don't really celebrate christmas much, I (and i hope some other people) will be happy to assist with any technical questions one might have. If there's something that I can't help you with (which may be likely) I hope that others will help you out. Please, just use this thread tomorrow, rather than flooding all of off topic with technical questions.

how do i get desktop strippers off my computer

how is babby foremed
how girl get pragnet

i am pregarnent past 5 week so can i start love

how do i mine 4 fish???

ok guys i think were going too far

where's the clothing department i want to be sure if the socks i got my bro don't fit i can exchange them for better socks

I got a GTX 1060, how do I install it to my computer