Author Topic: Post your favorite video game. BUT! YOU MUST TELL A FLAW IN THE GAME.  (Read 11803 times)

neef for spead

it doesnt exist :panda:

battlefield 1 - people don't spot, people are 2good4me
tf2 - no new weapons
blockland - some people are really cancerous *cough cough* thundercrayon *cough cough*

Great game but can't get eaten by the protagonist. マホー

In Burnout 3 a mechanic called Aftertouch was introduced and it allows you to take down any nearby racers by shifting your wreck towards them. Problem is there's no way to manually control the camera in this mode which means there are usually moments where I would've gotten an Aftertouch Takedown had I been able to know where a racer was coming from.

Even then it's a pretty damn minor flaw in what's an amazing game.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2016, 11:16:54 PM by ThatDarkNinja778 »

i don't really have a favorite video game at the moment so i'll just say a few

pokemon sun/moon-i've been hating the fact that pokemon games keep getting easier (and pretty much hold your hand a bit more)
sonic lost world-it's loving sonic
tower unite-early access, needs a bigger community
lethal league-WHY IS IT BLURRY AT 2x NATIVE RESOLUTION, also there needs to be a better way of seeing the timing meters at the bottom

i don't really have a favorite video game at the moment so i'll just say a few

In Burnout 3 a mechanic called Aftertouch was introduced and it allows you to take down any nearby racers by shifting your wreck towards them. Problem is there's no way to manually control the camera in this mode which means there are usually moments where I would've gotten an Aftertouch Takedown had I been able to know where a racer was coming from.

burnout 3 is pretty sick, but tbh I cant put my finger on one game that is truly my favorite, there are too many good ones ive played

here's some
Gta 4, I wish there was more to do with the money and more to do when you complete the story
Blockland, I wish more people knew about it/cared about it
Test drive Eve of destruction (Driven to destruction) Needs a longer story mode :c it ended too soon
My summer car: I wish I could figure out why my Satsuma keeps popping out of gear!
Gran Turismo 3,4,5,6 SOUND DESIGN

When making my Starforce 3 thing i forgot what my actual favorite game was.

Star Control 2 -- Perfect. Divine. You cant even describe this game. The issues with it are really just that the Ur-Quan Masters port has no fullscreen that keeps the original aspect ratio and there are sequel hooks everywhere and the third game is absolute non-canon crap.

i don't really have a favorite video game at the moment so i'll just say a few

pokemon sun/moon-i've been hating the fact that pokemon games keep getting easier (and pretty much hold your hand a bit more)
idk man, S&M was harder then XY, but I see what mean

spongebob the creature from the krusty krab : i've never beaten it
terraria : too scary
super mario sunshine : forget that ballon level loving stuff what the forget
minecraft : too scary
blockland : too scary
youtube : not a game

idk man, S&M was harder then XY, but I see what mean
No it's not

I remember playing the demo of this when the Vita first came out, it was super fun. I really need to get it sometime.

I remember playing the demo of this when the Vita first came out, it was super fun. I really need to get it sometime.

I'm going to buy a PS4 for the sequel, but I'm afraid it will have the same problem. マホー

I'm going to buy a PS4 for the sequel, but I'm afraid it will have the same problem. マホー

I still don't understand why they put the sequel for the PS4 and not the Vita

I still don't understand why they put the sequel for the PS4 and not the Vita
I don't understand why they can't do it on both, but I think because the vita is kind of dead now, which is sad because the vita is awesome.