Author Topic: [NEWS] 4 people arrested after live streaming torture of mentally disabled boy  (Read 13862 times)

CNN had a guest on today trying to defend the fact that it wasn't a hate crime
Also, when a guest on cnn said "Its simply evil." or something like that Don lemon said "I don't think its evil, its just misguided young people."

really though, REALLY

whoever the stuff that was on cnn that said that is an idiot like for forgetin real

CNN had a guest on today trying to defend the fact that it wasn't a hate crime
Also, when a guest on cnn said "Its simply evil." or something like that Don lemon said "I don't think its evil, its just misguided young people."

really though, REALLY

b-but according to SeventhSandwhich CNN isn't fake news. They only have a little bit of a left wing bias.

Damn this is a crazy case, It's almost as if black people and white people switched roles in this incident :O

Damn this is a crazy case, It's almost as if black people and white people switched roles in this incident :O

What the forget

If it were, like, 60 years ago I could agree with you

CNN had a guest on today trying to defend the fact that it wasn't a hate crime
Also, when a guest on cnn said "Its simply evil." or something like that Don lemon said "I don't think its evil, its just misguided young people."

really though, REALLY
"Miguided young people"?
Buzzfeed articles gaining traction is just miguided young people.
The childish behavior most west of the us millenials exert is just miguided young people.
The Annoying Orange protests are just miguided (young) people.
The Vine Trends are just miguided young people.
This? This is nothing short of cruelty and pure evil.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 07:12:50 AM by Master Matthew² »

If it were, like, 60 years ago I could agree with you
Black men are being lynched every day, only difference is they use a gun instead of a rope.

CNN had a guest on today trying to defend the fact that it wasn't a hate crime
Also, when a guest on cnn said "Its simply evil." or something like that Don lemon said "I don't think its evil, its just misguided young people."

really though, REALLY

I think Don Lemon is still hungover from New Year's.

b-but according to SeventhSandwhich CNN isn't fake news. They only have a little bit of a left wing bias.
Fox news isn't any better.  They just blame everything on Obama and call ti news.  CNN does the exact opposite.  Both are equally stupid.

Black men are being lynched every day, only difference is they use a gun instead of a rope.
then it's not a lynching you big dunce.

and Orange isn't wrong here, Black men are being shot every day, by other Black men.

then it's not a lynching you big dunce.

and Orange isn't wrong here, Black men are being shot every day, by other Black men.
Anybody who shoots a brother is basically white on the inside (uncle tom) so it doesn't count. Race isn't just skin deep.

Anybody who shoots a brother is basically white on the inside (uncle tom) so it doesn't count. Race isn't just skin deep.
scientifically race is exclusively skin, being black and shooting another black man doesn't change your skin's molecular composition.

scientifically race is exclusively skin, being black and shooting another black man doesn't change your skin's molecular composition.

that makes sense to him because hes a BLM supporter, aka a jitank

Anybody who shoots a brother is basically white on the inside (uncle tom) so it doesn't count. Race isn't just skin deep.
can you please get banned