Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Presentation - January 12th  (Read 153177 times)

Just a reminder that Tony knows as much about game development as I know about Ballet dancing. I've seen it, but I have no loving understanding of the inner-workings and so anything I say to that affect would be total stuff, as Tony has demonstrated.

Tony was the lead programmer for honor student: North American Tour 2012

The game never came out though :C

Tony was the lead programmer for honor student: North American Tour 2012

The game never came out though :C

The game was ahead of its time.

Do you know how much money they would waste if they made the game look super ultra HD just to downgrade it?
Every game, from the very get go, is developed at its highest possibly fidelity. Teams of people will then have the role, mid-to-late development to Optimise the title by enforcing lower poly meshes, removing detail objects, reducing memory consumption by simplifying behaviours and fixing memory management issues, adding visibility blockers to reduce performance cost and so forth.

This doesn't just happen on a port level, but in general. We always overstep and then reduce back.

What they really do is make a "gameplay" trailer with fake set pieces they scripted together with the most detail as possible to give the illusion the game looks really good before people buy it.
This practice is no longer encourage or used by most studios as it's too expensive to dedicate an entire team to building a chunk of game that won't actually be used. See: Halo 2, Killzone.

It's cheaper to make a super ultra HD trailer than it is to make a super ultra HD game. They don't downgrade the game for console, the game was always downgraded from the start.
Absolutely wrong. Rendering a film is relatively cheap, hence why most games with a marketing budget do CGI trailers nowadays.

Do you know how much of a pain in the ass it is to develop a game made for PS4 and then having to port it to a graphically inferior machine like the switch?
Um, not painful at all?

It's part of the port process. It's standard practice for every multi-plat game. No system works the same; every port of a game has its own codebase branch and they'll usually have different versions of the same assets. Generally speaking, a small team is assigned per console to focus specifically on dealing with optimisation/certification for that console.

A lot of videogames on PS4 require over 50GB of memory internally because there isn't anymore room on the blu ray disk. The switch by default has 32gb of memory, so do you know how much loving data they would have to reduce just to fit it on the stupid switch?
Absolutely wrong, otherwise what would be the point of selling retail disks if they didn't contain all the data?

The reason we install the games from the disc is because of the performance boost from running off a SATA drive. Disc media often incurs slow loading (see comparison between PS1 and N64 load times). Even a HDD (as opposed to an SSD) is faster because the bandwidth and process of getting data from the drive to RAM is quicker.

I don't need to be a triple A videogame programmer to know how badly coded a game is.
But you need to be a programmer to effectively understand what constitutes "code" and what constitutes other parts of the development process, and also lay blame correctly between the hardware or the software.

I don't need to be a triple A videogame designer to know how flawed the map design is.
But an appreciation for map design principles (which you don't have) is required to make valid, useful criticisms.

I don't need to be a triple A videogame sound engineer to know how stuffty the sounds are.
I don't even, mate.

But an appreciation for map design principles (which you don't have) is required to make valid, useful criticisms.

Is this all because I didn't take your advice for my medieval rp?
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 04:06:12 PM by King Tøny »
Interesting article about the Switches specs. How do CUDA cores compare to AMD shaders?

Is this all because I didn't take your advice for my medieval rp?
To this day, I have never made a comment on a Blockland server's map. I know your memory is a bit forgety with that intense desire to troll me, but...

All I've done was criticize your critique of the administration, which has nothing to do with map quality.
Interesting article about the Switches specs. How do CUDA cores compare to AMD shaders?

The comments alone on that website are no different from my opinions.

I guess my opinion is not as unpopular as you think.

Actually there is no game development behind that crap. Do you know how much money they would waste if they made the game look super ultra HD just to downgrade it?

Because it's easier that way. Look up a Blender tutorial some time. Most indie developers I know will sculpt a model (large amount of polys), make a low poly replica, and then make a normal map of all the sculpted intricacies to put on the low poly version.

Many people are fed up with Nintendo and their inability to give the same performance from their consoles that current developers need to have in order to offer the same thing. I know a lot of people would rather have a console that can play everything rather than a console that can only play Nintendo-based first party titles (as much as we all love Zelda and Mario).

Nintendo can afford the loss financially, but not as far as their reputation goes. No matter how they keep innovating their product they WILL lose a portion of the consumer interest in their modern holdings each time they release a failed console. For lack of a better term the Wii U WAS a failed console.

The next month will tell if Nintendo are truly ready to compete with the other companies and offer the same return on investment.

sounds more like tony is jealous!

tony say something intellegent

So Tony if someone gifted you a switch would you stop bashing it?

So Tony if someone gifted you a switch would you stop bashing it?

It would probably collect dust.