Author Topic: Nintendo Switch Presentation - January 12th  (Read 153217 times)

It's fruitless to argue with Kimon, who doesn't want to look at the facts of the matter.

I get to pickup my order at 10PM on the Thursday, so I'll be one of the first people in the entire world playing Breath of the Wild. Very excited for that.

It's fruitless to argue with Kimon, who doesn't want to look at the facts of the matter.

I get to pickup my order at 10PM on the Thursday, so I'll be one of the first people in the entire world playing Breath of the Wild. Very excited for that.
it's not ignoring any facts when i point out that the nintendo switch has one exclusive game and a handful of cheap indie games for their incredibly lackluster launch

It's fruitless to argue with Kimon, who doesn't want to look at the facts of the matter.

I get to pickup my order at 10PM on the Thursday, so I'll be one of the first people in the entire world playing Breath of the Wild. Very excited for that.
ummm dont forget that ppl played the demo and game explane hss full  versen now....

it's not ignoring any facts when i point out that the nintendo switch has one exclusive game and a handful of cheap indie games for their incredibly lackluster launch
people: companies only care about hyped launches nowadays smh
people: nintendo isnt hyping their launch enough ugh

people: companies only care about hyped launches nowadays smh
people: nintendo isnt hyping their launch enough ugh
not what i said, also my name isn't people

anyways i dont care about hype launches i just care about launches where i can play more than one game during the months that i wait for the next big release

not what i said, also my name isn't people
imagine that.
i dont care about hype launches
i wait for the next big release
ho boy

the nintendo switch has one exclusive game and a handful of cheap indie games for their incredibly lackluster launch
Just because you don't like the selection...also, 1-2 Switch, Fast RMX and Super Bomberman R are all exclusives for the Switch.

You're probably just wailing because you couldn't get a preorder down before everybody else snapped them up, and so you're trying to find all the negative things about the console so the situation doesn't look as grim for you.

ummm dont forget that ppl played the demo and game explane hss full  versen now....
Yeah, the "Demo", not the full game. I also don't think you can count media or leakers since they obtain their copy of the game through other means.

My birthday is coming up and instead of the switch as i planned i think i should get a better pc by making a budget 400$ build thats decent enough to run games better than my current pc can, ill hold off on the switch until the holiday season because that's when more games should be coming out.

the racing game and shovel knight make the launch slightly less lackluster imo, but they don't even have the virtual console available at launch which blows richard.

like it's worth buying but its gonna be a slow start
You're probably just wailing because you couldn't get a preorder down before everybody else snapped them up, and so you're trying to find all the negative things about the console so the situation doesn't look as grim for you.
i couldn't imagine having a superiority complex about preordering a nintendo console, but i guess i dont need to imagine it any more.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 08:57:47 AM by Poliwhirl »

My birthday is coming up and instead of the switch as i planned i think i should get a better pc by making a budget 400$ build thats decent enough to run games better than my current pc can, ill hold off on the switch until the holiday season because that's when more games should be coming out.
I can make u a pc part list when the time comes

but they don't even have the virtual console available at launch which blows richard.
Why are you expecting literally everything to be available at launch? Do you want buggy rushed games, or good, released a week or two after launch games
« Last Edit: February 24, 2017, 09:09:00 AM by Insert Name Here² »

Why are you expecting literally everything to be available at launch? Do you want buggy rushed games, or good, released a week or two after launch games
you realize the virtual console consists entirely of fully developed, complete games, right?

you realize the virtual console consists entirely of fully developed, complete games, right?
You also realize the virtual console is an emulator that nintendo needs to make flawless and perform perfectly too, right?

nintendo consoles will always be a step down from xbox and playstation, you cant really expect the same kind of quality. the wii and switch are unique in their own ways, so it kinda balances out. you buy their consoles for the nintendo games, i dont know anyone whose super hype to play call of duty on a wii. complaining about their launch titles is kinda pointless because they dont really have as much to offer to start with

This is BOTW spoilers.
[ Breath of the Wild has blood moons, says Andre from Game Explain. They aren't common, but the entire sky turns red and it is what respawns enemies from camps and settlements you cleared. ]