Author Topic: [Weapon Pack] SWeps v1.3 (Upcoming updates post on page 16)  (Read 64458 times)

Is there an indicator for when the updater updates or does Blockland just plain freeze for several minutes and freak people out
spooky freeze, it was supposed to be lightweight and wasnt exactly meant for 8 mb files

when i reload revolver it makes a blockhead death sound.
EDIT 2: LMG Does it too, but i got SMM Blood enabled and i got blood over me when reloaded. So it might be a glitch that kills you but you do not see it.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2017, 12:21:05 PM by FlySky »

these are my opinons ok there is no need to do it unless you think this would help you

the smg's (or mac 10 i think) model looks abit weird (at least to me?) i think you should make that slant abit more straight or push it backwards abit. also that top needs to be higher

neat ar15 but i think you should make the magazine's size a bit bigger and push the handle backwards too

sniper's sights look a bit weird, because there is no rear and front sight but its fine if you dont want to change it

you should add blackness inside the barrels and holes

now went in game and, for the sniper i dont really think scoping is a good mechanic but as stated eariler "these are my opinons ok there is no need to do it unless you think this would help you"

the lmg's firing sound doesnt really sync with the rate of fire
other than all of these the animations and effects are neat visual drugs stuff

edit2: all melee weapons and the sniper doesnt work on bots

edit3: this addon's revolver conflicts with jack noir's complex pack s&w revolver
« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 12:52:24 PM by Mr Noobler »

when i reload revolver it makes a blockhead death sound.
console.log, I need to know what addons you have

edit2: all melee weapons and the sniper doesnt work on bots
will definitely fix the melee for bots at some point and maybe the sniper for bots

edit3: this addon's revolver conflicts with jack noir's complex pack s&w revolver
these weapons are not supposed to be used in junction with other weapons

 Fixed stuffty mods making blood/skeleton effects when reloading certain add-ons
ar15Item.sAmmo = 60;
perhaps, perhaps not
If yes a HE grenade and a smoke grenade would be nice.

Yo! Not ta' bug ya or anything, but I DID notice another issue? The bots handle the weapons JUST like you want them to, but for some reason, it messes up their ability to spot a player. I've tried other weapons and don't have this issue, so I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your weapons. It's hard to really explain it. You'd have to see it for yourself. You'll notice that if they're evented to go to a brick, they'll ignore anyone they see and then randomly start shooting at them later on. Then they'll stop and just...go inactive. They won't even notice you if you shoot them. Not sure why this is happening with your weps, but I figured i'd tell you about it. Again, it's best understood if you see it for yourself.

have the same issue with the combat shotgun being all white
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 03:52:27 PM by Mr Queeba »

have the same issue with the combat shotgun being all white

i dont know what causes it or how to replicate it, I suspect somehow it has to do with specific graphics cards, everyone whos had it still has not given me their console logs or anything

OK! The error with the bots acting weird DOESN'T have anything to do with you're wep's. I just finished an awesome CP map and started a slayer Territory match with other weapons. Turns out that the CAPTURE point is generating the errors. So in a regular death-match, I'm assuming that your weps will work fine. Sorry for buggin' ya pal. Ignore what I said earlier? :D

i dont know what causes it or how to replicate it, I suspect somehow it has to do with specific graphics cards, everyone whos had it still has not given me their console logs or anything

Ok uhhhhh...remember when I said it wasn't your weps making the bot's blank out at random moments? I did a few MORE tests and found out that it actually IS the weps. I THOUGHT it was the capture point, but I went to a few other maps I made without a cp point and gave the bots your weps.

 They would randomly blank out and forget where the enemy is mid-fight even if they're standing literally face to face. They also don't react and retaliate to getting shot anymore. If the enemy they're fighting is killed, they forget what they're doing and just stand there, kind of like they do if a brick they're evented to go to no longer exists. But at least in that case, they'll respond to getting shot at. Also, when they DO register an enemy, it's delayed. They won't start shooting till a few seconds later. I've had bots run right passed me after getting shot by me as if I was of no concern. My skillz ain't THAT bad. XD

I hear you want a console log of this. That's that black window that comes up when I start bBockland right? How would I go about pasting all that stuff here, and how would I know which section to paste? Never actually done it before, and I think some of the guys on here are too prideful to admit they ALSO don't know how to do it as well as many other things.

Ok uhhhhh...remember when I said it wasn't your weps making the bot's blank out at random moments? I did a few MORE tests and found out that it actually IS the weps. I THOUGHT it was the capture point, but I went to a few other maps I made without a cp point and gave the bots your weps.

 They would randomly blank out and forget where the enemy is mid-fight even if they're standing literally face to face. They also don't react and retaliate to getting shot anymore. If the enemy they're fighting is killed, they forget what they're doing and just stand there, kind of like they do if a brick they're evented to go to no longer exists. But at least in that case, they'll respond to getting shot at. Also, when they DO register an enemy, it's delayed. They won't start shooting till a few seconds later. I've had bots run right passed me after getting shot by me as if I was of no concern. My skillz ain't THAT bad. XD

I hear you want a console log of this. That's that black window that comes up when I start bBockland right? How would I go about pasting all that stuff here, and how would I know which section to paste? Never actually done it before, and I think some of the guys on here are too prideful to admit they ALSO don't know how to do it as well as many other things.
nah, ill just remove the script that makes bots fire more than 3 bullets at a time, because id have to rewrite a lot of the bot code to make it actually work

Found that weps don't work with onbotdeath event. Tried it with default, event applied, these, nothing