Author Topic: [Weapon Pack] SWeps v1.3 (Upcoming updates post on page 16)  (Read 64485 times)

i have absolutely no idea what causes this
graphics card information, OS?

it would have been helpful if more people had given me their video cards and stats but no one did so its hard to draw conclusions from small sample sizes
iirc it said mine in the description of the video i posted here

iirc it said mine in the description of the video i posted here
thank you, but i cant draw correlations when I only have 1 data point

The main two problems about this pack are:
The Sniper Scope looks weird
and The Assault rifle need a Bigger Magazine, and a sight would look nice.
other than that it's forgetin' rad
« Last Edit: March 05, 2017, 11:26:34 AM by Bloo Kirby the 2nd »

The model was fine when I initially downloaded the first version released, but after one of the recent updates it looked like that.

Running on windows 8.1 with an AMD Radeon HD 7000 series.

does it persist with minimum shaders, shaders off, shaders on, after deleting cache?

The glitch seems to have fixed itself. Model looks fine to me again for some reason.

You should start releases more gun variants. If I were to suggest some weapons I'd try the:


Ruger Carbine
Image Reference

Grease Gun
Image Reference

Pump Shotgun
Image Reference

Lever Action Shotgun
Image Reference

A problem that a lot of gun packs have imo is that they're mostly made for a single setting, and more often than not that setting is modern military. More gun packs should have stuff for other settings than just a generic modern military setting.
Also, more often than not, gun packs are either stuffty Models, good scripting/balancing, or stuffty scripting/balancing and good models, and this mod has good models (for the most part) and mediocre balancing.
Still a rad mod, though.

Why did i make this wall of text? I don't know, i just felt like it.

if you made a talking addon would it be called STalking

Why did i make this wall of text? I don't know, i just felt like it.
nice autism
« Last Edit: March 07, 2017, 07:33:14 PM by :egg: »

if you made a talking addon would it be called STalking
little do you know this already exists....

heh heh heh

wtf why did i nor anyone else notice that you couldn't drop sniper ammo
308 ammo is now included in the ammo types you can drop

thinking about splitting the flaregun, melee weapons, and sniper rifle into seperate add-ons

I really like this but I can't reload, so I have to do unlimited ammo.

You should start releases more gun variants. If I were to suggest some weapons I'd try the:


Ruger Carbine
Image Reference

Grease Gun
Image Reference

Pump Shotgun
Image Reference

Lever Action Shotgun
Image Reference

I get it.