Author Topic: Banned on VGRP for no reason  (Read 8393 times)

isn't that guy neo the umbreon?
I talk to him and he said that solaria wants to forget him all the time or something
No, it was some dude named Rune

He and neo are the same person, this quote from zharthon should shed some light on this situation:
I actually knew Solaria, Solarius or Mattonmanx or whatever the forget you want to call him one or two years ago.

When we first met, seemed like a really cool guy that was just a little rough around the edges, after a few weeks I got admin on his server from sticking around and after that he suddenly started acting like an angsty crawling in my skin type of teenager, he's socially inept and has a multiple personality disorder which lead to him being extremely annoying and doing extremely dumb stuff while keeping this 'I've got the whole world in my hands' attitude.

He started being an starfish by permamently banning everybody who even commited a minor violation and even once went so far as to permaban some admins who where completely innocent when if anything, they were only guilty of speaking their mind about the current situation on the server.

After a while of seeing enough injustice and him being ban happy, I called him out on his bullstuff and his response was to permamently ban me after a really short argument.

A few administrators defected, went on to create their own servers on BL and some were somewhat successful in their endeavours while others were not so lucky to get a large playerbase to stick around their servers.

From that day forth, this guy has blamed me for everything bad that has happened to him and thinks I am out to get him, I once contacted him again because he was legitimately harrassing one of my steam friends and told him that I can easily speak his parents if he continued this behavior because I legitimately had the ability to contact his guardians.

It's was honestly weird to talk to him again, not due to old times sake or something, it was more or less because he was writing gibberish and nonsensical things like 'YOU RUINED MY LIFE.' and 'GET AWAY FROM ME, STOP HARRASSING ME.', a few more gold examples would be 'I'm going through hard times thanks to you' alongside 'WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME... ? To harras me?'.

He later went and sperged out about how I took a dear online friend of his away from him, even though at the time we were speaking I in no way shape or form had the ability to speak to his online friend, this man is just a gem.

He and neo are the same person, this quote from zharthon should shed some light on this situation:
Huh never knew that

"A few administrators defected, went on to create their own servers on BL and some were somewhat successful in their endeavours while others were not so lucky to get a large playerbase to stick around their servers."
I knew this game was just a big gangbase

my loving god I added this dude out of sheer curiosity and wow he's the most loving uptight and rude person I've met in a long time. Lmfao he treats everything as if what he says is 100% true and anyone who opposes is wrong and are stuff


started off with the usual greeting because I've once known him in the past and etc, he's already off to a bad start

Tried asking him about his life, if he's in college or what and I told him how I'm in highschool, came to this rudeness lmfao

He said this before I mentioned me being in highschool, he was talking about how stuff school was for him

He goes onto saying "college is going to suck" and he started telling a sop-story so I tried informing him that it really isn't as bad as he thinks

told him just because he's had bad times doesn't mean he gets to act an ass and lecture me, said this gem

more gems

then I grilled him for being an ass and removed and blocked him, and that's the end of it

Steam profile if you wanna do whatever

my loving god I added this dude out of sheer curiosity and wow he's the most loving uptight and rude person I've met in a long time. Lmfao he treats everything as if what he says is 100% true and anyone who opposes is wrong and are stuff

did he get bullied for being a tard or something lol
he sounds like he legit has some kind of disorder

i'm gonna have to side with solaria, inh

how DARE you be older than him. unforgivable.

did he get bullied for being a tard or something lol
he sounds like he legit has some kind of disorder
Probably lmao

A while back I was in a skype call with him and he says he legitimately likes to wear fedoras out in public, not loving kidding

i'm gonna have to side with solaria, inh

how DARE you be older than him. unforgivable.
ey he claims to be 18 so ha im innocent

Code: [Select]
Solaria: Who's this guy?
limerick: limerick, whos this girl
Solaria: brb kms
limerick: guess what you got drama'd   again
Solaria: Solaria is a ~fictional character~
Solaria: Is my real name not listed?
Solaria: Huh, it isnt
Solaria: I'm a dude.
limerick: oh
Solaria: Also I dont give a flying stuff about being drama'd
Solaria: Wait stuff did they post my steam account again
limerick: now you really dont have an excuse for being uptight
limerick: yes
Solaria: forget.
limerick: yea prepare your ass for the storm
Solaria: Changed my URL, dont give it out.
limerick: yea of course
limerick: not meant to be tooken sarcastic btw it kidna sounds like it came off that way
limerick: *taken
Solaria: Sorry if I come across as uptight or a richard,
Solaria: Most people who drama me are the kind of people who join your server,
Solaria: Demand to be treated like a king,
Solaria: And get pissed when you dont
richards: They catch your bad moment, and post it online
limerick: youve had a lot of bad moments huh
richards: I've been on blockland a long time
limerick: masterlegodude has had one account for about the past 12 years and i dont think hes thrown a single fit to your demeanor
richards: Whos masterlegodude
limerick: user whos been playing since he was around 12, hes like 22 now
richards: Impressive
richards: I forget when I joined
richards: But definately not that long
limerick: i think your avoiding my point though; he hasnt gotten mad to your level of demeanor at all and hes been playing for about double the time you have
richards: I mean, okay..?
richards: I don't know them
richards: I don't think so
richards: And I'm not sure if it matters
limerick: its not about knowing them it about you trying to make a point that you've been playing bl for a long time and thats the reason you thrown so many fits. its not ture
limerick: *true
richards: No no, I mean,
richards: Bah I forget my point
richards: masterlegodude is probably a good person tehn
richards: Being a host of over 4711+ hours, dealing with my own irl drama issues, a lot of stuff not working out,
richards: If Masterlegodude did the same AND kept his cool?
richards: He diserves a medal, man.
limerick: well yea actually master has gone through some stuff
richards: Then yea, I'm proud of him, but I'm just not that perfect of a guy.
limerick: why do you have to take it out by sperging out on bl then
limerick: i really think you should just take a break for a while or move out of your house or something b/c most of the blockland community sees you as nothing more than a sperging autist
richards: I don't give a damn,
richards: And I can't move out, still 17.
richards: A few months from 18 though.
limerick: if you dont give a damn why do you still play the game
richards: Because the Merp was for a friend, Gin.
richards: He didn't enjoy hosting it anymore
richards: But he still wanted to play
richards: So he took my offer I gave him a while back
richards: Except he was off so much I was expected to build up and manage the server myself.
richards: So I did. He didn't mind.
richards: Also I really hate the word 'sperg'
richards: Sounds weird and gross.
limerick: well yea thats what it means
richards: I prefer not to hear made-up weird ass slang
richards: Same thing with 'edgy'
limerick: is it because thats what people call you
richards: I thought it was dumb before people called me it, then they started calling me it.
limerick: people call you it for a reason u know
richards: They can stick it to themselves then.
richards: Being a player on a server for free is a damn privlege on it's own. At some point the rules to my VGRP ended with something along those lines
limerick: nobody is on your server though
richards: Alright, also goddamnit
richards: You gave out the URL didnt you
limerick: god darnit
limerick: no
richards: Who the hell found me then?
limerick: people literally find it by going "solaria" on steam search
limerick: you can change your name but it'll still show "this user has played as: blank blank blank"
richards has changed their name to Past.
Past has changed their name to Name.
Name has changed their name to Recording.
Recording has changed their name to Is.
Is has changed their name to Not.
entire chat so far. find the gold as you please.

I personally think this is pretty amusing

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i truly hope this is not an 18 year old that is still in middle school