Author Topic: Angular lasers and tri-hexa rotating psychadelic lasers  (Read 4080 times)

I had about 1 hour of peace yesterday so I decided to try some new ideas out with the red laser particle. Through some random calculations and rigorous trial and error, I finally managed to make angle bearing lasers which could be directed downwards or upwards in either east, west, south or north directions.

Further testing with one of the more peculiar functions of the datablock led to the creation of these psychadelic lasers, which actually rotate slowly while shooting laser dots in 3 separate directions.

Oh yeah and that god damn problem where the particles spontaneously rise for no adequately explained reason was occurring again so I simply made extra emitters with gravity-affected particles to make a set.

Also release date, or release at all is pending. Corner lasers are still proving to be extremely difficult to create. I'm off to study, but I'll check back up later if I have time.

Epic  :cookieMonster:
If the lasers can be used with wrench events one day,More challenges :D

The second thing looks like a shield :D

pwnsome  :cookieMonster: now it would be cool to make those in different colors, to make even cooler patterns.

pwnsome  :cookieMonster: now it would be cool to make those in different colors, to make even cooler patterns.
I thought of that, but then I looked at how many datablocks were involved. I would need an entire extra set of datablocks for each color. Some people would have a heart attack (lol) if they saw the number of datablocks I was using right now to do this, but then you're just multiplying that number each time you add an extra color laser.

Of course, I could always make several laser packages, one for red, one for blue, for green, etc. so that you could simply Enable the colors you need in the add-ons list before starting a game. I'm sure you wouldn't need all the colors at once to make something, unless you're making a rainbow or worshiping skittles.

On a side note, a new idea hit me during the quantum midterm earlier: Offset lasers!

Remind me to use these in my mod =D

wow, i can see some neat stuff being made with this, maybe a globe hologram using curving lasers

Very nice.. i played around with these while you were testing em out... anywhere i can download?

Very nice.. i played around with these while you were testing em out... anywhere i can download?
Not at the moment no.

make a download

I'll make more and release a huge pack some day.

First do download link now! I can't wait!

WHAT THE forget DUMBforget.