
Right-wing Death Squads?


Author Topic: Is it time for right-wing death squads?  (Read 3207 times)

Do we need GLORIOUS squads of PURIFYING FIRE to cleanse the world of the menace of DEGENERACY and CHAOS

i don't like republicans too much either, but isn't sending death squads after them a little extreme?

I wouldn't trust anyone from /pol/ to heat up my chicken tendies, let alone operate a death squad.

i hate that /pol/ brats stole the deus vult meme and made it a alt-right thing

i hate that /pol/ brats stole the deus vult meme and made it a alt-right thing

Why do you care? You don't wear the cross.

only if we can have right-wing death squad death squads to get rid of the clowns that suggest death squads over politics

i hate that /pol/ brats stole the deus vult meme and made it a alt-right thing

To be fair, you meming tumblrites had already gotten your greasy fingers on the meme and beat the horse to death. By the time it had worked it's way through the wringer to the alt-right lard tards, it was already old and tired.

I don't give a forget what your stance on 4chan was, when /tg/ was going through it's we wuz templarz phase, it was a time of glory and plate armor squad tactics. That memory is soiled and raped now.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2017, 05:08:58 PM by IkeTheGeneric »

To be fair, you meming tumblrites had already gotten your greasy fingers on the meme and beat the horse to death. By the time it had worked it's way through the wringer to the alt-right lard tards, it was already old and tired.
deus vult was actually never a thing on tumblr which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your meme-knowledge.

deus vult was actually never a thing on tumblr which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your meme-knowledge.
Deus Vult is classical latin for "God wills it" which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your knowledge

Deus Vult is classical latin for "God wills it" which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your knowledge
no stuff dumbass i'm saying it's a (dead) meme right now

Deus Vult is classical latin for "God wills it" which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your knowledge

It's the christian version of "allahu ackbar"

this forum was like 90% right wing before Annoying Orange was part of the picture

deus vult was actually never a thing on tumblr which makes me think you're bullstuffting the extent of your meme-knowledge.

I had assumed once everyone and their son started stuffposting in that stupid "Deus vult megathread" that you were getting it from your meme drip feed website. I don't really care enough about your antics to have a collective encyclopedia of memes, all I know is that you aren't in a position to complain about other people ruining it, it was already forgetin dead when you were aware of it.