Author Topic: [1878] Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Course of Empire - A CHINA DIVIDED!  (Read 54751 times)

Considering recent events, and possible hidden tensions, Austria wishes to hold a diplomatic meeting with Russia and Prussia to ensure friendship between the three, rather than risking there be a rivalry.

(for some reason i typed 'Russia' instead of 'Prussia' at first im sorry i havent slept in a day at this point so i just made it that austria offered diplomacy with both of them)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 08:09:15 AM by Decepticon »

Considering recent events, and possible hidden tensions between the two, Austria wishes to hold a diplomatic meeting with Russia to ensure friendship between the two, rather than risking there be a rivalry between the two.

russia is hesitant to take sides while the austro-prussian rivalry is still ongoing... but it will host the meeting for slightly different purposes if prussia attends

russia is hesitant to take sides while the austro-prussian rivalry is still ongoing... but it will host the meeting for slightly different purposes if prussia attends
hm yes this sounds good

Italy seeks diplomatic relations with Prussians and the British
Italy diplomaticly asks austria to peacefully hand over venice to Italy.

uhhh austria remains silent and hugs tight of her southern german states

france please we're supposed to be keeping the peace and stability
ok sorry

Considering recent events, and possible hidden tensions, Austria wishes to hold a diplomatic meeting with Russia and Prussia to ensure friendship between the three, rather than risking there be a rivalry.

(for some reason i typed 'Russia' instead of 'Prussia' at first im sorry i havent slept in a day at this point so i just made it that austria offered diplomacy with both of them)
Prussia raises a brow and waves its sword around.

"what you want austrians???"

Being more curious than an enemy at this point, Prussia agrees to send a diplomat.
Prussia looks at Holstein.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 09:25:54 AM by Swat 3 »

Too late. Lincoln takes office. In his inaugural speech, he states "Do it, punks. I dare you."
south carolina secedes from the union

Prussia looks at Holstein.
Holstein: Do Not.

the afghan war has grinded mostly to a halt as russian infantry, poorly equipped for such conditions, are slowly picked off by guerrilla forces

with the afghans not holding any particular position, it is tough to say whether the intrusions to the country's interior can be called gains at all

russia begins a hearts and minds campaign, attempting to win over the afghan populace and demoralize the guerrillas. russian military engineers repair housing and improve infrastructure, while smear propaganda against dost mohammad khan is instilled in occupied villages. for fear of attrition and image, russian presence in afghanistan is reduced to 75,000 men. guerrillas are offered pardons and protection should they give up their arms. russia declares that its goal in afghanistan is not to annex the nation

to prevent guerrillas from operating within occupied towns, a provisional government is set up which keeps afghani legal customs intact while russian operatives root out guerrillas

P.O.W. camps are constructed for captured guerrillas that only surrendered because the immediate alternative was death, but they're placed just outside towns and employ the use of russian military supplies to house the prisoners, putting them on level living conditions as the russian military itself. villagers are permitted to talk with the P.O.W.s, but only with a translator present. this is to prevent guerrillas from communicating with their captured comrades. when the war is won, or if these captured guerrillas agree to fight for russia until the war is won, they will be given their promised pardon.

lessons learned in the late days of the steppes conquest and the ongoing situation in afghanistan are used to form russian skirmisher divisions optimized for hunting guerrilla encampments

besides actively hunting the guerrillas, russian strategy is now to starve them out. mountains are excellent for hiding, but not for farming
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:48:27 AM by Juncoph »

Spanish troops are transported over to the spanish province near french africa, and an ultimatum is delivered to Morocco.

The demands are every province in red.

russia declares that its goal in afghanistan is not to annex the nation
then what is it?

Italy seeks diplomatic relations with Prussians and the British

The United Kingdom requests a conference with Prussia, Sweden-Norway, Denmark, and the Netherlands. The topic will be a possible North Sea trade pact.
Jairo, I don't think Sweden and Denmark responded unless I'm just blind
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:24:58 AM by TristanLuigi »

then what is it?

overthrowing the khan and installing a better government for afghanistan and afghanistan's relationship with russia

overthrowing the khan and installing a better government for afghanistan and afghanistan's relationship with russia

but hey if the new government is open to trade with us then that's fine
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:34:45 AM by TristanLuigi »


britain, of all nations, is accusing me of puppetry

but hey if the new government is open to trade with us then that's fine

but of course
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 11:36:59 AM by Juncoph »

britain, of all nations, is accusing me of puppetry
that is a fair point

I edited the post but you replied while I was editing