Author Topic: [1878] Sid Jairo's Europa Forumalis: Course of Empire - A CHINA DIVIDED!  (Read 57349 times)

Argentina sets up programs to lengthen troop training for recruits and retrain current soldiers through exercises.  (trying to slowly change doctrine to Quality, since it cannot be actively changed, if that's how you do it)

They also offer trade of Argentine materials to any country in exchange for weapons, materials, and money.

hey, brits, portugal, french, and dutch, you wanna trade with this big bab?
yes. trade.

Spanish troops are transported over to the spanish province near french africa, and an ultimatum is delivered to Morocco.

The demands are every province in red.

morocco refuses

Jairo, I don't think Sweden and Denmark responded unless I'm just blind
sweden-norway and denmark agree to send envoys

The Austrian Empire also wishes to open up diplomacy with the Papal States.
very well

After the last major battle, the Battle of Silao, the Liberal forces finally push the conservatives back into their hiding holes. The redundant rebels are executed, and the last remaining guerilla are also executed in the coming months, while some are given amnesty.

Juárez’s interim presidency is confirmed by his election in March 1861, and now reconstruction must begin. The response to warring factions begins, trying to 'calm them down.'
the reform war has thus come to a violent close as the secularist liberals reign supreme

Construction of the Great Tehran Cbrown town begins, linking the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf, along with strict security measures against Russian ships. Construction is estimated to last 2-4 years.
sorry but that isn't exactly feasible

Argentina begins to look menacingly at Uruguay, with the justification that it was once Argentinian territory, so it must be returned to it's rightful owner.
uruguay appeals to its neighbor brazil for an alliance

virginia, north carolina, georgia, and florida have also seceded from the union

the so-called confederate states of america are requesting investors and arms for their common defense

Transvaal plants some more wheat and funds the start of two wattle tree farms.

the so-called confederate states of america are requesting investors and arms for their common defense

Argentina will give arms and send volunteers if the rebels supply them with cotton for clothing.

Argentine officials continue to renovate Buenos Aires. They look with anxiety to Brazil's response to an alliance with Uruguay.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 01:06:59 PM by Deoxys And One Noob »

serfdom is abolished in russia

relation report

Mexico sees opportunity in the land straight below them, in Central America. They send diplomats to Guatemala and El Salvador to improve relations and seek out trade opportunities with Mexico and hint at the means of making a peaceful and unified Central America.

A trade offer is requested with Brazil.

some blacks and whites just don't get along
forgetin' mondays

Mexico, seeing the conflicts in North America, offers to help the Union retake their lost lands if the Mexicans can get a trade deal and an alliance.

hey austria do you wanna fund the confederates

morocco refuses
Conscription is raised to 10% and war is declared on Morocco. Spanish troops begin marching into moroccan territory, passing through and leaving a small occupying force. Propaganda is set up in Spain to convince the populace further that this is a just war.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 03:01:27 PM by Zoltan »

jesus CHRIST spain

The Civil War begins with the bombardment of Fort Sumter.

West Virginia secedes from Virginia, joining the Union. Martial law is declared in Maryland.

Help is accepted from Mexico

The Civil War begins with the bombardment of Fort Sumter.
are you the one bombarding fort sumter because the csa hasn't done anything aggressive

Brazil accepts the alliance and looks down at Argentina with a stern gaze and a shake of his head. Do not.

portugal builds more defensive forts in its land, improving military discipline and begins working to improve the quality of its army

Conscription is raised to 45% and war is declared on Morocco.
I don't think your country can support that many soldiers, plus it's a bit difficult to justify conscripting half of your healthy male population for a war against someone as docile as morocco