Author Topic: Need help with Datablocks  (Read 551 times)

I'm trying to experiment with Datablocks, so I used the command findclientbyname("Warzone").player.changedatablock("Rowboat"); but it won't work. I typed this into the Console and Chat Eval. What am I doing wrong?

check to make sure that "rowboat" is a datablock
I spawned a rowboat on a vehicle spawn and used /getid on it (13235 for my case with that rowboat)
then using the ID in the console, I dumped its data (13235.dump();) and saw that its datablock is "RowBoatArmor"

another way to do it is to use the getDatablock() function, which if you print it will give you a number
you can (probably) then use this number in the change datablock command, or do <target>.changeDatablock(<ID>.getDatablock());

hopefully that will help you with other datablocks too, and not just the rowboat

the datablock should be RowboatArmor. the default playertype is playerStandardArmor.

if you have the id of a datablock you can just call id.getName(); to get the name of the datablock