Author Topic: no players on bfbc2?  (Read 1039 times)

I was planning to get bfbc2 since it is on sale, but I keep reading that there are no players on multiplayer. Is it true?

The only thing alive is the hacked servers for the most part, there are a few good ones left, but i wouldn't say its worth it unless you have a lot of friends to play it with you. 

Man I really miss Bad Company 2, first battlefield game I played and I played the stuff out of it on the 360.

played it again recently

doesnt really look that dead to me

i actually dislike the game, but i have to agree that there are a few well populated servers, but its like BL - only a few at any one time are populated

There's quite a few servers open still. Some good ones are only once per week. If you don't mind XP boosts then there's a lot to choose from.

On Xbox the community is strong now that its BC. I was playing the other day and got right into a server