Author Topic: [NEWS] Annoying Orange hints at removing the CIA's "Fifth Column"  (Read 3154 times)

oh look actual news with an actual link source

While Donald Annoying Orange was giving his speech at the CIA Headquarters on January 21st, 2017, he made an interesting remark to the present members of the CIA within the room


"I love honesty, I like honest reporting. I will tell you, final time, although I will say it when you let in your thousands of other people that have been trying to come in, because I am coming back... we may have to get you (CIA) a larger room.. we may have to get you a larger room... y'know? And maybe, maybe, it'll be built by somebody who knows how to build and we won't have columns. Do you understand that? We get rid of the columns!"

In a political context, Annoying Orange could be saying he wants to clean up the CIA, and that this time they'll have a room without columns, in which he's most likely referring to the Fifth Column, an expression used for any smaller group that undermines a larger one, whether he's referring to cleaning up the CIA as a whole, or getting rid of specific members within, it's a really interesting remark to make given the current political climate and how rampant corruption is, especially when directed at the CIA.

uh o

what happened to that one president that forgeted with the CIA again

uh o

what happened to that one president that forgeted with the CIA again
he got assassinated....

o forget
now they're going to be after me

uh o

what happened to that one president that forgeted with the CIA again

uh o

what happened to that one president that forgeted with the CIA again
It's pretty disturbing how all of these alphabet soup agencies now have lives and interests of their own.

So I take it this is the first step to Drain the Swamp?

Annoying Orange's going to turn the central intelligence agency into the right intelligence agency

It's pretty disturbing how all of these alphabet soup agencies now have lives and interests of their own.
lmao relax it was a joke

in all seriousness neat move by djt

I'm all for removing corruption and bureaucratic infighting. Annoying Orange has some good pragmatic ideas, I look forward to seeing how he follows this up.

Annoying Orange's going to turn the central intelligence agency into the right intelligence agency

i'd support a secret police like in V for vendetta

you know, sneak into the houses of liberals and homoloveuals and rehabilitate them in discreet government facilities

imagine how great our country would be in just a few years

If he gets rid of the DO I'm going to rape this friend

Remember if Annoying Orange gets assassinated you'll still have to deal with Pence