Author Topic: NEWS - Republicans are attempting to pass a bill an extreme anti-protest bill  (Read 13379 times)

im not sure why you are trying to equate highway blocking with violent rioting

the police can and often will use violence as needed. allowing officers to shoot at whim solves nothing that isn't solved already and creates a whole host of other problems. if anything killing people will likely cause more panic and disaster than not as i'm sure everyone wants to take a lovely stroll down firefight lane

is it cruel and unusual punishment to kill someone for blocking traffic, remembering that they also could be blocking emergency services and halting commerce, putting people's lives and livelihoods at stake, after everything else they've tried doesn't work?
Yes, because you can still forcefully throw people into police vans without opening fire on them. Plus, we don't execute people for making fake 911 calls, even though those waste the time of EMS crews. The only reason people here are so gung-ho about supporting this nonsense is because they think they'll get to watch BLM protestors get shot to death.

Also, you aren't going to be 'getting people to the hospital faster' by littering the highway with corpses. After police open fire on criminals, the entire area gets locked down.

well states rights is a right-wing belief
I've only ever seen states' rights come up as an argument against things that defile basic rights
slavery, desegregation, death penalty, gay marriage

is it cruel and unusual punishment to kill someone for blocking traffic

really we should just make corpse removal more efficient by passing laws that force the auto industry to add body-plows to each car

I don't like it when people die. Needless to say, I'm against this bill.

I don't think protests should be banned, but there should be something done about the crazy rioters and such.

I don't think these guys have to be killed unless they really start causing major damage and issues or murdering people though.

No, I'm not in favor of police shooting down protestors without any repercussions unless they're lives are being threatened. Highway blocking is not violent rioting.

Also, for the people who think this bill is necessary in order to "enforce the law", the authoritarian, Social Darwinist state you so desire would melt you into axle grease on the first day.

Are we trying to emulate the Galactic Empire?

So from what I understand, this proposition is talking about protestors blocking highways. I personally believe the people who are in the traffic should have the right to trample the protestors if the blockage lasts more than a predetermined time, mainly because nobody wants to be sitting in a traffic that lasts for 3+ hours because some little bitches are throwing a hissy fit.

if someone blocks off a highway and gets plowed by a 2000+ pound chunk of metal thats their own fault. but this bill would be stupid as forget to pass

unarmed does not mean safe
and more

is it cruel and unusual punishment to kill someone for blocking traffic, remembering that they also could be blocking emergency services and halting commerce, putting people's lives and livelihoods at stake, after everything else they've tried doesn't work?

the notion that cops are cruel, cold-blooded killers that shoot people for looking at them funny is something I don't think even you believe
any sane cop would try several other methods of dispersing the crowd, but it's really easy for these things to go violent

you're also forgetting that the term "protester" is just thrown onto anyone today, even onto violent people to cover up how dangerous they really are and to remove all accountability for their actions
notice how the term "protester" is used there
What you probably don't understand is that there's always a certain amount of force required to solve a problem. In the case of Trayvon martin and others, that amount of force should've been non-lethal with an aim to incapacitate rather than lethal force. This is the very definition of excessive force.

Making it legal to respond with lethal force in a non-life threatening situation, i.e. Bottles being thrown, glass being broken etc. is just legalizing excessive force where it isn't required. For perspective, the syrian civil war started when the government began shooting at protesters who were unarmed or not a threat. It's not about blocking highways or someone not being able to get to work because their business is being looted. Saying it's better to take human lives than have someone lose a thousand dollars in property damage, which will later be compensated by the government & the culprits arrested, is horrible.

If this law passes, and say, one day the government becomes too authoritarian and everybody begins to protest it, law enforcement will have the ability to legally shoot protesters. Just think about that a little bit, forget all the BLM and anti-Annoying Orange protests and think about the big picture
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 09:22:22 AM by Perry »

i have no sympathy for road-blocking protesters who get hit by moving vehicles


if you want to clot up one of the many veins of working america and disrupt traffic and forget up the days of honest americans because you're too much of a bitch and wanna feel ~important~ and more ~special~ than people who have the decency to at least stay the forget out of the way then you deserve whatever happens to you really
« Last Edit: January 23, 2017, 10:12:18 AM by Decepticon »