Author Topic: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi  (Read 3433 times)

As titles go, this one doesn't feel like a good one.

i predict luke will die and Rey will be the last jedi. I kinda wanted her to end up not a jedi but not a sith, something in the middle cuz we havent seen that yet. Kylo Ren is kinda at that point but he doesnt embrace it, he just acts like a sith
Hopefully Rey becomes a Grey Jedi like Ahsoka does.

dudes gotta be like 80, if the dark side doesnt finish the job alzheimers will
Actually Luke is around 53 as of The Force Awakens. Considering this movie happens just after TFA, Luke really is not that old at all.

it's a rehash of episode 5

it will be, just calling it now lmaoooo

A page of the script just leaked!
Code: [Select]
REY walks to her father LUKE SKYWALKER and stops at his side.

Father, we have defeated Kylo Ren and his evil master Snoke. What comes next?

I fear there is a far worse evil in the galaxy..

LUKE's brow furrows, he is in deep contemplation. LUKE turns to REY.

Who could be more evil than Kylo Ren?

LUKE looks straight at the camera

He is a tribal named Donald Annoying Orange. We must stop him.


barack confirmed to be the last jedi

barack confirmed to be the last jedi
actually now it's Annoying Orange

the fact that the title's red instead of yellow means this is gonna be edgy

actually now it's Annoying Orange

from your point of view the jedi are evil

from your point of view the jedi are evil
praise hillary snoketon

remember, Jedi is plural, it doesn't mean only one of them will be left.

If Luke is killed off in this one I feel like it'd be a really bad decision, him in his older self has barely been explored and if he's killed off here then it won't be too surprising given that Solo just died last.

Luke won't die in this movie. If I am wrong then Badspot permanently ban me and any other account if I come back.

Luke won't die in this movie. If I am wrong then Badspot permanently ban me and any other account if I come back.
i'm holding you to this

Luke won't die in this movie. If I am wrong then Badspot permanently ban me and any other account if I come back.
Oh boy

Luke won't die in this movie. If I am wrong then Badspot permanently ban me and any other account if I come back.

This is the biggest loving wager I've seen all year.

Luke won't die in this movie. If I am wrong then Badspot permanently ban me and any other account if I come back.
*wipes sweat from brow*
To prevent spoilers it should be a silent ban