Author Topic: What the did I do?  (Read 4457 times)

Way to change from your old ways.

Please un-ban me from Glass.
why should they? Not you only broke some rules, you disrespected the staff and now you think you should to be unbanned? are you handicapped?
forget this lame stuff service. WILL NOT be using Glass again. stuffty mod support anyway.
stop being such a big baby over getting banned. and why would they give a stuff about you not using a glass??
« Last Edit: January 24, 2017, 11:13:38 PM by cooolguy32 »

you had your chance and you blew it ki. dont continue to shoot yourself in the foot and maybe you can recover??

wow you are an starfish

and people say im a prick

This is why apology threads are worthless and should fall under rule 5.

Apologies accepted :)

(im a good guy )

Apologies accepted :)

(im a good guy )

...there wasn't even an apology in this thread.

lol. apologetic people dont make apology threads

Okay, so I called someone a friend and I got banned from Glass for 4 days? What in the actual forget? Still even from past language, WHAT IS THIS CLUB PENGUIN? What are you guys 9? You can't stand a little spicy language in your lives? Please un-ban me from Glass.
To Eric (Badspot), I'm am sorry for personally disrespecting you and calling you what I did. I hope you will let me actually play on this old key of mine and not insta-revoke it on the spot.
Apologizes for disrespecting someone and calling them something, proceeds to disrespect people and call them things...

lol. apologetic people dont make apology threads
i beg to disagree
apologetic people may make apology threads but they're obviously not very smart if they choose to do this

>"I'm 18!"
>"What the did I do?"

i beg to disagree
apologetic people may make apology threads but they're obviously not very smart if they choose to do this

I beg to disagree with the last part, even though plenty of the people who apologize turn out to be malicious. It's not like only bad guys want their lawyers, so to say. It seems you were being quite hostle, insulting people for no real reason and screaming on glass about how someone's server is the worst one ever... Going from the "clean slate" your apology might have presented to people, this isn't a good first impression. :/

Try to calm down a little bit, there's no need to get so worked up over a server being "bad." There's also no need to personally insult the server host and their administration team. You could have provided some constructive criticism and they might have listened, or you could have just walked away and do something else or play another server/video game for a bit. This was unneeded, and wasn't very adult of you.

This isn't helping you at all. I really suggest locking this topic.
Oh what the forget i didnt even notice that the imgur album is mine. But did Jincux/Crown other developers/moderators/admins read that drama and just banned ki for 4 days?

By the way Ki, you dont seem to be mature for 19 years old. I think you are younger then that, its false personal info in my opinion.