Author Topic: [news] THE WALL IS GOING UP  (Read 23880 times)

It does if you initiate some sort of 'Recent Deportation Ban'

Can't Pass the Wall, Can't enter the County if you were Recently Deported, Repeat Offenses are more severe.

If these types of laws are implemented then I can very well see the crackdown on Illegal Immigration to be effective.
still doesn't prevent new people from coming in legally and overstaying their visa.

I see, Annoying Orange is very clever, as I expected. Orange.html?_r=0
He is going to use the Import Tax on Mexico, and that is how the wall will be Payed...
So indeed, Mexico is paying for that wall.

now Annoying Orange jackets will be 30% more expensive.

still doesn't prevent new people from coming in legally and overstaying their visa.
No, but if we keep in check with people's visas and deporting those who overstay, this isn't going to be as large of a problem.

I'm not saying monitor them necessarily, But check up on them near their visa expiration to make sure that they don't overstay their visas.

And then if they do Overstay their Visa, thats when you deport them, and put them on the, either temporary or permanent blacklist for visiting/migration to the usa.
now Annoying Orange jackets will be 30% more expensive.
Yeah, and then only people who actually work will be able to afford them.
also, ha ha, funny joke.

I see, Annoying Orange is very clever, as I expected. Orange.html?_r=0
He is going to use the Import Tax on Mexico, and that is how the wall will be Payed...
So indeed, Mexico is paying for that wall.
That's not how Tarrifs work.

If we actually take a look at how tarrifs work in a large country (Like the US) we see that only half the profit generated is from the foreign country. The other half is from the citizens themselves.

So if the wall costs 20-40 billion dollars (Which it most likely will), then we're going to be taking approximately 10-20 billion dollars from taxpayers to pay for the wall.

And then there's the fact that Mexico can retaliate with a tariff back in return, which would again halve the amount that they provide, making it three quarters taxpayer money and one quarter money from Mexico.

No, but if we keep in check with people's visas and deporting those who overstay, this isn't going to be as large of a problem.

I'm not saying monitor them necessarily, But check up on them near their visa expiration to make sure that they don't overstay their visas.

And then if they do Overstay their Visa, thats when you deport them, and put them on the, either temporary or permanent blacklist for visiting/migration to the usa.Yeah, and then only people who actually work will be able to afford them.
also, ha ha, funny joke.
You do realize it's not as simple as just looking at a visa, finding them and deporting them.
Immigrants have been doing this for decades now, they know every little trick from hiding to only buying things in cash. There's a reason why this problem is so "rampant" in the first place.

You do realize it's not as simple as just looking at a visa, finding them and deporting them.
Immigrants have been doing this for decades now, they know every little trick from hiding to only buying things in cash. There's a reason why this problem is so "rampant" in the first place.

It's "rampant" because there hasn't been an active effort to enforce the law to the fullest degree until now. Nothing is untraceable.

did everyone forget about the deportations or is it just me

You can deport illegal immigrants without having to waste $15 billion on a useless wall FYI

if russia's taught us anything

what kind of meme is this


I still like the mote idea better. Can we convince him to dig a mote instead?

just wait for the post-purchase rationalization to set in, folks. you'll come around

why not a moat AND a wall

I wonder how many people here cheering for the wall are actually over 18 or at least have a job requiring a W-4.

I wonder how many people here cheering for the wall are actually over 18 or at least have a job requiring a W-4.

check and check. hello